Just In
for Harry Potter and the Shell of the God-King

3/14/2022 c9 2Jack Inqu
I'm really enjoying the world building you're doing. As I've said to other people, J.K. Rowling painted her world broadly, but shallowly.

Take care, good luck, stay safe, stay healthy, and I look forward to your next update.
3/14/2022 c9 8MogtheGnome
My only real response to two third year girls talking down to Harry here (which they absolutely were):

“It’s good to know who Illyria and I will be holding responsible for all the slytherins who step out of line, eh? Thank you for taking responsibility!”
3/13/2022 c9 1DanDrake
I'm not sure about the ending with the carrows, them dismissing harry like that isn't going to fly with Illyria. Let's be real harry is the second most powerful person on that train. Not physically or magically but just for the fact as Illyria's high priest a insult to him indirectly is a insult to Illyria and that's a good way to end up dead. The carrows should be smarter then that, they can run Slytherin all day but if Illyria says kneel they better have their noses to the floor. And why did Susan kowtow to them she's not even a Slytherin they shouldn't have any authority over her to begin with.
3/13/2022 c9 Drouppi
I understand that Susan and Tracey should be independant and able to make their own choices, but the situation didn't sit well with me, shouldn't have been simply accepted by Harry and definitely won't be accepted by Illyria.
He was dismissed like an inferior, unimportant random. He doesn't need much respect on his own (in his scewed opinion canon Harry definitely didn't expect much), but simply by association with Illyria he demands respect.
And the Carrows really should be aware of that, so it felt kinda strange. They were very abrupt and borderline rude for no reason and Tracey (Susan) just go along with it. In Traceys head the Carrows are obviously bigger and more dangerous than the displeasure of an Old One and I doubt Illyria appreciates that.
Tracey had to make a choice and chose the Carrows over Harry and Susan didn't object.

Also really don't agree with the reason why Harry and Hermione won't work out. It felt like a flimsy excuse to not pair them together. Which in itself is fine, but the reason left something to be desired.
3/12/2022 c9 1Dracco
You know, for the longest time there was something that was bothering me about this story and this chapter just highlighted it for me. Luna is dead, well, not ‘just’Luna is dead but more Luna is dead and her body is bing used as a meat suit by an elder god and everyone is just okay with that.

It just doesn’t feel like a real reaction to the situation. It’s really weird and off putting. Don’t get me wrong this is an interesting story and I don’t know if it’s intentional or not, elder god and what not.
3/12/2022 c9 3grovepjp
2/22/2022 c8 fraewyn
Love it!
2/19/2022 c8 James Birdsong
Good fanfic. Hooray!
2/21/2022 c8 2Jack Inqu
Harry is adapting, slowly but surely, to all sorts of things.

Take care, good luck, stay safe, stay healthy, and I look forward to your next update.
2/20/2022 c8 Sebine
surprised Susan didn't go straight for the tits
2/20/2022 c8 Tork01
Avoiding the signing things in the bathroom scene then? More Astoria is a good thing. Ginny is still creepy though.
2/20/2022 c8 10svald
the house elf named Persil does the clothes, huh? nice
2/19/2022 c8 HaywireEagle
Classic spit take. Nice.
2/19/2022 c8 3grovepjp
2/19/2022 c7 HaywireEagle
A very interesting story to be fair. Curious to see how this develops and is handled for sure.
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