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for Son of Fate and Bone

10/9/2024 c1 NeedBetter
You can’t really have him talk shit to the gods and then offer them his services it’s why the story didn’t last gang
4/19/2024 c1 Scorpions1617
Vamos nuevo cap no lo dejes así va genial
5/22/2023 c1 Tyren Peoples
Please continue this story
4/5/2023 c1 God of Wind 200
Well I sad that Hinata can’t be apart of the pairing options but glad Anko isn’t because honestly I always hated her and never understood why people like to paired her with Naruto but my vote goes to Selena Beauregard
2/2/2023 c1 Djberneman
I very much want to see more of this story.
3/19/2022 c1 mui goku
naruto x annabeth for the pairing
4/19/2021 c1 Guest
Great storyline looking forward too next chapters
10/12/2020 c1 Guest
Great storyline looking forward too next chapters
7/26/2020 c1 Chue19
i rather enjoyed this story so far wish u started writting it again
5/7/2020 c1 BeyondRed
4/13/2020 c1 Jhenifabray
9/3/2019 c1 mikekoetting5673
Wish there was more to this
4/19/2018 c1 Guest
Dear writer please make more chapters
11/6/2017 c1 4Eternity456
That was awesome please comeback and update it
6/19/2017 c1 29Silvereye-BW
Awesome! Can't wait for more.
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