Just In
for Son of Fate and Bone

11/16/2014 c1 3asdfasfdasfsa
This is really good. Please update soon!
10/9/2014 c1 25917brat
This is very interesting and I would love to read more of it so please keep it up and update it again soon.
5/11/2014 c1 ugty
great story please update
5/8/2014 c1 1IamDemonWolf
I like this.
3/5/2014 c1 Animalman1x6
Looooove iiiit
3/1/2014 c1 3bcsclaymore
iam really liking this story can't wait to see what happens next.
2/25/2014 c1 jerome16
That was off the chain write more
2/17/2014 c1 sad-mat-000
2/5/2014 c1 kali-sinclaire
More please
2/4/2014 c1 Zatarra12345
1/18/2014 c1 LordoftheFlamingFoxes
Please continue this story :' I wanna see wat happens next
1/14/2014 c1 FinalGuardian
Definitely an interesting read, I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
12/14/2013 c1 coduss
Hope this updates soon.
11/29/2013 c1 calcifurus
this is a great story :) are you going to continue it?
11/17/2013 c1 A SAD TRUTH
Tis unfortunate but it seems that our friend naruandharrharemfan is either dead or gone I support my facts here
1) In his twilight crossover he already had four chapters written before he made the switch yet only two have been posted
2) He has not favorited any new stories since May and seeing as he has 761 stories favorited that is a large point
3) He has not placed any mention on his bio to inform us of any absences
In conclusion Naruandharrharemfan is no more or someone hacked his account, has lost all internet connection, or has forgotten both his fanfiction, email, and backup email password.(3)
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