Just In
for Son of Fate and Bone

10/25/2013 c1 ExecutionerKain
Story sounds great hope u continue!
10/12/2013 c1 3Grubke15
this has soooo much potential i really cant see where itll go but it seems exciting i cant wait for the next chapter
9/24/2013 c1 Alex2909
love naruros abilities. this story is quite different from others, its a nice change. his attitude is awesome. wonder how things will go from here
9/19/2013 c1 Minato 1
Can't really start pointing out mistakes since it is just d first chapter and moreover u have mentioned the only problem dat I noticed abt naruto's appearance with dat I u should upload d next chapter soon.
9/10/2013 c1 Guest
very nice
8/28/2013 c1 holtjustin04
Dude this is bloody brilliant with every about the story is awesome oh and for the paring in my opinion should be naruto x annabeth x Thalia x Artemis reasons annabeth naruto was able to bring back a part of her family making her grateful and happy and not slot of people use this paring , Thalia what is there to say besides that one he brought her back two Zeus will have less chance of vaporizing him if he is dating his daughter , Artemis well one it could not hurt to have one Olympian goddess of the hunt no less on your side
8/16/2013 c1 naruhanaI4445
this story is fucking awesome great job man the way naruto acts is awesome cant wait for the next chapter
7/1/2013 c1 8Kross09
when do you plan on updating this?
6/26/2013 c1 Radurai
epic... just epic...
6/22/2013 c1 4Arkeus The Infinite
Nice job looking forward to the update
6/21/2013 c1 The Souless Void
You know, I am not the biggest fan of over powered Naruto's, but this story has a lot of merit to be earned. How will Naruto act against the "evil" Kronos, even the other gods/goddesses of his home realm have to play a factor in everything. A lot of potential.

When you see the void, you already lost your soul. Now gtfo.

The Souless Void.
6/17/2013 c1 CrimsontheBloodyDemonKing
When are you planning to update any of your stories?
6/16/2013 c1 krill64
As the son as well as the descendant of the Sage of the Six Paths, with the Powers of the Mokuton and Dead Bon Pulse as well as the Kyuubi and Chakra, and the ability to manipulate time. i have a question, Will this Naruto gain the Sharingan and/or Rinnegan as he is the son of the Sag of the Six Paths?
Thank you this is an excellent story, please update soon and keep up the great work,
6/10/2013 c1 4shadespace
great story please update, narutoXartemisXharem please as the pairing for me
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