5/7/2013 c1 Guest
Dude, this is amazing
Dude, this is amazing
5/5/2013 c1 O Jordinio O
Hmmm, I'm actually pretty damn impressed.
It takes alot of skill to blend two completely different worlds. It was blended seamlessly and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
The only mishap I saw was your explanation on the Wood Release. The Wood Release actually has a limited power over life. But, I suppose you could explain that away easily enough when Kronos' powers are augmented by a massive chakra source.
Don't forget that as a master of the Mokuton, then Naruto will also be a master of both Doton and Suiton.
The Shikotsumyaku(Dead Bone Pulse) is a good addition. It makes his body into a literal weapon, not to mention he can make his bones heavier for harder strikes, aswell as make them lighter, but dense for amazing feats of speed, yet still be very durable.
I'm interested on how you will continue this. Hope to see more soon.
...I can't seem to post this review while logged in because I'm blocked. I can't exactly remember why though. But I theorize I was a dick to you at some point...It happens so much that I can't seem to remember the majority of them nowadays.
Hmmm, I'm actually pretty damn impressed.
It takes alot of skill to blend two completely different worlds. It was blended seamlessly and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
The only mishap I saw was your explanation on the Wood Release. The Wood Release actually has a limited power over life. But, I suppose you could explain that away easily enough when Kronos' powers are augmented by a massive chakra source.
Don't forget that as a master of the Mokuton, then Naruto will also be a master of both Doton and Suiton.
The Shikotsumyaku(Dead Bone Pulse) is a good addition. It makes his body into a literal weapon, not to mention he can make his bones heavier for harder strikes, aswell as make them lighter, but dense for amazing feats of speed, yet still be very durable.
I'm interested on how you will continue this. Hope to see more soon.
...I can't seem to post this review while logged in because I'm blocked. I can't exactly remember why though. But I theorize I was a dick to you at some point...It happens so much that I can't seem to remember the majority of them nowadays.
5/3/2013 c1 nobody
AMAZING! A really good story with a convincing plot. I love it, especially while reading everything with a British accent. Very sophisticated words were used and the style of the dialogues were consistent! Amazing!
AMAZING! A really good story with a convincing plot. I love it, especially while reading everything with a British accent. Very sophisticated words were used and the style of the dialogues were consistent! Amazing!
5/2/2013 c1 Rickjames196
Interesting summary, lets give this a go. And he is a full god so that's new D I hope it's a harem and Sally get's a shot. She is like my tsunade of the Percy world. I just feel bad for her. And since you brought naruverse I'd like to add tsunade to the running. Even thought I know it won't happen. Doesn't hurt to try. I'd say hina but so many hina haters I ain't even gonna try. Oh nice tsunade was in the running, hope she get's picked. Sucks sally wasn't there \ C'mon oflk vote tsu-chan. Wonder what back story you gonna give her . Gah lemme go read this. Gah, I just noticed I picked all the girls from Naruto verse in the poll haha. Hope annabeth gets with him from this verse since sally ain't in the poll she is the only one I really know of . And Thalia but she in a tree ahaha. Didn't think of annabeth since she usually paired with Percy in the few naruxpercy crosses I've read . Gah I'm ranting again lemme go back to reading. Hhaha he can fuck with time, nice. Hahah he is Chiron's brah. Naruto has hmm I forgot what it's called two different colored eyes? Oh hell nah that fucker Zeus attacked him? Time to go make Olympus his bitch. Hhahaa Chiron warming up to him. Why isn't Chiron a god if he is Zeus' bro? He is a demi? Naruto should bang Hera to mess with Zeus. Fuck yeah, he will not bow! The gods be dbags, now that I think bout it they doing the same thing kronos did. Except he ate them. In most fics they wanna kill PErcy just cuz he is Poseidon's kid... Why is Naruto telling this fuckers disrespect him? Wonder if his papa made the clone jutsus XD. Hhahaa elemental nation gods pwned him. Oh god he was the sage. He made a world of demi gods. Omfg he was all the important players in shinobi history. That's hilarious, and original as fuck. I'm loving this. So Naruto will have mokuton? Nice he made kushi immortal. So his papa in this world still bad? that's gonna suck he gonna have to fight his papa. Hahah at least this Zeus ain't a uber bitch. Olympians really ruined the Zeus image for me. I always pictured him as the one from Disney's Hercules. Hahah he kept gaara and yuya. Omfg nuuuuuuuuuu why you neded it there . OK I'd like to start off by talking your "messed up bastardized lack of knowledge" ahaha just kiddin' I loved it. I like the fact that he is cocky. I hate when he isn't and lets people think they better than him. It's kinda sad his verse gods do the same thing as this one's. Having kids with mortals XD. Friggin Amaterasu . I thought this was great keep up the good work.
Interesting summary, lets give this a go. And he is a full god so that's new D I hope it's a harem and Sally get's a shot. She is like my tsunade of the Percy world. I just feel bad for her. And since you brought naruverse I'd like to add tsunade to the running. Even thought I know it won't happen. Doesn't hurt to try. I'd say hina but so many hina haters I ain't even gonna try. Oh nice tsunade was in the running, hope she get's picked. Sucks sally wasn't there \ C'mon oflk vote tsu-chan. Wonder what back story you gonna give her . Gah lemme go read this. Gah, I just noticed I picked all the girls from Naruto verse in the poll haha. Hope annabeth gets with him from this verse since sally ain't in the poll she is the only one I really know of . And Thalia but she in a tree ahaha. Didn't think of annabeth since she usually paired with Percy in the few naruxpercy crosses I've read . Gah I'm ranting again lemme go back to reading. Hhaha he can fuck with time, nice. Hahah he is Chiron's brah. Naruto has hmm I forgot what it's called two different colored eyes? Oh hell nah that fucker Zeus attacked him? Time to go make Olympus his bitch. Hhahaa Chiron warming up to him. Why isn't Chiron a god if he is Zeus' bro? He is a demi? Naruto should bang Hera to mess with Zeus. Fuck yeah, he will not bow! The gods be dbags, now that I think bout it they doing the same thing kronos did. Except he ate them. In most fics they wanna kill PErcy just cuz he is Poseidon's kid... Why is Naruto telling this fuckers disrespect him? Wonder if his papa made the clone jutsus XD. Hhahaa elemental nation gods pwned him. Oh god he was the sage. He made a world of demi gods. Omfg he was all the important players in shinobi history. That's hilarious, and original as fuck. I'm loving this. So Naruto will have mokuton? Nice he made kushi immortal. So his papa in this world still bad? that's gonna suck he gonna have to fight his papa. Hahah at least this Zeus ain't a uber bitch. Olympians really ruined the Zeus image for me. I always pictured him as the one from Disney's Hercules. Hahah he kept gaara and yuya. Omfg nuuuuuuuuuu why you neded it there . OK I'd like to start off by talking your "messed up bastardized lack of knowledge" ahaha just kiddin' I loved it. I like the fact that he is cocky. I hate when he isn't and lets people think they better than him. It's kinda sad his verse gods do the same thing as this one's. Having kids with mortals XD. Friggin Amaterasu . I thought this was great keep up the good work.
5/1/2013 c1 DarcYen
I was liking this story till i read the authors note and heard more shinobi where coming into the other world
I was liking this story till i read the authors note and heard more shinobi where coming into the other world
4/27/2013 c1 Kestes
Wow this is really good. I like how you portrayed Naruto and I also like the inclusion of Tayuya and Gaara. Great start and I hope to read more in the future.
Best regards
Wow this is really good. I like how you portrayed Naruto and I also like the inclusion of Tayuya and Gaara. Great start and I hope to read more in the future.
Best regards
4/26/2013 c1 red
sasuke mom hates him for killing her son but she is the one who let him fall into madness she obviously wasent their for him that's so pathetic
sasuke mom hates him for killing her son but she is the one who let him fall into madness she obviously wasent their for him that's so pathetic
4/26/2013 c1 Guest
Naruto/Thalia, Tayuya/Nico and Gaara/Clarisse or Silena!
Naruto/Thalia, Tayuya/Nico and Gaara/Clarisse or Silena!
4/24/2013 c1 gh
i vote athena, rhea, aphrodite ,and atremis goddesses pairings are rare and so is the rhea pairing love the story oh and i was wondering did kronos have some golden like power oh well but awesome fic
i vote athena, rhea, aphrodite ,and atremis goddesses pairings are rare and so is the rhea pairing love the story oh and i was wondering did kronos have some golden like power oh well but awesome fic