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for Young Justice: Darkness Falls

3/26/2014 c90 M'aiq the Time Lord
So I definitely just binge-read this entire story over the past few days. Great work, I think you did an excellent job with this. I look forward to your possible season four!
3/23/2014 c90 34Samaritan Prime

This could very well be canon-compliant. You started the story with the squads off on their various missions that they were given at the end of Invasion.

I think I liked Superboy's arc the best. I think the best part of THAT was when he crushed the earpiece in his hand- almost as if he knew he might not come back from his mission. I also find it cool that while all the other squads had 3-5 people in them, Superboy and Superboy alone was Omega Squad. Fitting since Doomsday was a walking weapon of last resort.

On the note of Doomsday- nice job incorporating him into the story. I felt that his beatdown of Superboy and killing of Superman was rushed- but then again, the chapters leading into it quickened the pace.

On another note, I like that you were able to integrate Starfire, Raven, and Cyborg into the story. With their introductions, all five members of the old Teen Titans are present and accounted for.

3/17/2014 c1 Guest
Would You Please Make a story with Static and Miss Martian where they become a couple and please add some action (meaning fights) please & thank you
3/17/2014 c1 Guest
Arissia Rrab
3/14/2014 c90 Guest
If you do a season 4 you could add kid devil a.k.a. red devil seeing as how his mentor blue devil was already apart of the show and if you decide to use static you should make Frieda hos best friend instead of richie like in the comic books oh and also you should add black lightning oldest daughter anissa to the team too and maybe the girl green lantern with the blonde hair i don't know her name but i'll look it up and post back on here
3/14/2014 c90 Guest
I really really liked the story but if you do decide to do a season 4 can you make it more like the tv show where it focus on the black ops team & plus the point of young justice was to have a younger version of the justice league where every member had a mentor or was a legacy like blue beetle who didn't have a mentor because the first two blue beetles were both dead so maybe you can make raven's mentor zatanna or doctor fate and cyborg should go straight to the league since he's of age and don't really have another hero
similar to him starfire should join the outlaws maybe and can we see a little bit more of virgil (static) it seems like every other hero was at the final battle except him
3/12/2014 c90 Lord Razer
you should put in M'gan's other uncle Malefic into the next story.
3/10/2014 c90 42Rassilon001
A most faithful and well-received continuation of the Young Justice series. You do wonders to continue on in the spirit of something cut down in its prime, weaving together multiple plots into one glorious story, and making numerous cameos (mostly Titans, I note) into that. In particular, I feel great praise must be lavished for bringing in such characters as Cyborg, Raven and Starfire in truly enjoyable fashions, allowing all a moment to shine. I was a little worried the latter was perhaps too airheaded, like her TT counterpart (the comics usually portrayed her as much more serious) but it all worked out well. The additions of Red Hood and Red X (especially as partners) was very excellent for the anti-heroes side of things, especially with Jinx added to the dynamic. The identity of Red X in this continuity opened up countless new snarls and thoughts on the matter, and you really had me going on more than one dramatic unmask. Well done.

Also enjoyed the nod to Green Lantern’s Aya and Razer. Another prime show cut down before its time.

Way too many subplots I loved, which in turn was what kept me going through the story as it jumped from one element to the next. It was also enjoyable to see a lot of the downtime between missions, seeing couples connect and relationships blossom between the characters, rather than just randomly battling against supervillains and Apokaliptan machinations. In particular, I enjoyed the rekindled flame between M’gann and Connor, as well as their little brother Beastboys constantly needling. It was very endearing. Turns sad much later when Apokolips tries to break up the family, then bittersweet when Connor was close to death. Loops right back around to happy when they marry and truly have an earth-shaking honeymoon. Oh how I laughed.

Killing off both Vandal Savage and Superman definitely upped the stakes of the story. It also did wonders to help with the personal growth of Superboy, forcing him to step into shoes he was no longer interested in filling (and given he had to fight Doomsday, I don’t blame him!) It was also a delight to see his attempts to fly, studying under Kryptonian, Martian and Tamaranian mentors and their unique styles. Odd no one suggested learning from a Lantern, whose style seems to be closest to Tactile Telekinesis. Then again, that would be the most boring.

Volcanas rivalry with Miss Martian was perfectly designed and well executed. Ditto the tech slug fest between Cyborg and Gizmo and Raven’s tiff with Klarion. You have a knack for setting up good foils for the characters to battle.

If I must offer some critique, however, I feel that Jor-El’s portrayal in this fanfic was inconsistent and grating. While he has in other series been as much of a hindrance as help, his prejudice of Superboy seemed distinctly out of character. And the fact that he grew out of that prejudice, while a sign of character growth, was character growth on a computer program that by rights shouldn’t have been –able- to grow and mature. I understand it held a plot purpose (sorta) but it felt forced. In addition, while not wholly your fault, the website formatted badly many scene changes, sometimes ruining the mood.

Epic battle, loved how every hero (and anti-hero, and sometimes even villain) got a chance to shine defending the world.

Beautiful work, best Young Justice fanfic I’ve read yet.
3/5/2014 c90 Riley TFP
First I should note my pronoun trouble for my first post regarding chapter 90, 'his' mostly refers to Superboy, since he is the one I am interested in regarding body alterations and moral decisions.

Second, could you do a stats and bio page for whichever fourth season (still vote for the Titan one)? I ask because YJ changed/clarified some details (i.e. the Martians' and Aquaman's powers for one) for simplicity and avoiding retconning, and some research I did showed how you have enhanced some powers (i.e. Guardian got his power armour from the graphic novels; and Beast Boy gained the ability to no longer to need to see and touch a critter to become it during his epic confrontation :-) ), or selecting from different genres (i.e. Starfire here is closer in power to the animated one over the graphic novels, and vice versa for Raven), or made new ones (i.e. giving Cyborg Apokoliptian tech). I know that this would mean more work for you, but it would be really appreciated.
Thanks for your time!
3/1/2014 c90 NightBrother
Absolutely wonderful ending here! Can't wait to see what happens with Kon-El's kid. Is there any possibility of dealing with Braniac next? Or perhaps Ultron would be more manageable. Introduce Tala as Queen Bee's rival? Her accent is easily the hottest thing since the sun. Either way, sorry for lurking for so long, but I've really enjoyed the ride, and I definitely don't want it to end!
3/1/2014 c90 4TazzieLuv13
this seems more like a teaser than a epilogue
2/28/2014 c90 The Darkman
Firstly, congratulations on reaching the end of this story. If a season 4 is in the pipeline, I look forward to reading it. I did have to look up some of the new characters names as I was not familiar with Arrowette or Metallo's real name. I like the idea of a hard edged Wonder Woman bordering on being inflexible and self righteousness. Good leadership qualities.

Best of luck with the new story you are developing.
2/28/2014 c90 Guest
Omg night-star as in Mari Grayson ! Nightstar cuz that's my favorite nightstar
2/28/2014 c90 Riley TFP
My vote is for the one year later one, though I do hope more of the old team still appear! One thing for the cast though, it seems like Impulse-Kid Flash-Bart should be there too. Not just for a speedster, but because a) he did bond with the future guys a bit, but also b) because of what he knows about the Super-Martian. Not enough that he would know what Lex was up to, but he would have enough to be cautious. Just my two cents...mostly from excitement. Cannot wait!

Occurs to me that we should definitely thank you though for your prompt updates!
2/28/2014 c90 Ben A
Here is my vote for your poll. I vote for the one that takes place about one year later and has much of the same cast. I really don't want another huge time skip or a huge change in the main cast of characters. It took a while to get over it from season 2. Also, I think it would be really great if you could somehow work Trigon and Raven's heritage/destiny into your season 4 story as well. I know I already asked, but it is such a big part of Raven's life in the comics that I really can't imagine you not exploring that subject briefly.

As for the story you just finished, I say congratulations for all your effort. You did a splendid job and wrapped everything up nicely. Other authors on this site have tried to write a season 3 story, but their's aren't as good. I also commend you for your regular updates. Too many authors on this site either never finish their stories or take too long to update.
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