Just In
for Lady Luck

3/22/2020 c5 Nameless Angel 00
Hmm so her Lil bro is Komatsu?
12/24/2015 c5 1guisniperman
Good amount of background info. Very nice. She's Komatsu surrogate older sister? I guess he'll be glad to see her again in the casino. As for what she did... I guess she managed to cook a treasure food or something equally as impressive. That or she caught Midora's eye somehow.
12/24/2015 c5 CrystalVixen93
Love your story and can't wait to see what happens next so I hope you update again soon plz.
6/17/2015 c1 Guest
3/23/2015 c4 1Kinata Akeema
I love your story! Please update soon! Also is komatsu Kira's younger brother? And I would like to point out that komatsu isn't officially toriko's partner until the ozone herb.
11/22/2014 c4 CrystalVixen93
Can't wait to see what happens next so I hope u update again soon plz.
7/17/2014 c4 4sayume214
The chapter was not bad at all, but, honestly, I would have liked to see more progress of where the plot is actually going. I still can't figure it out. I wanna know how she knows Komatsu. That said, I actually LIKE slow romance, so I dig that their interactions.

I like the last sentences.
9/6/2013 c3 sayume214
I believe the people who hate OCs only do so because they have not come across GOOD ones. Yours is good; much deeper and better developed than most OCs you find here. Worry not. A good OC can win over the fandom if the story is well done. :)

I'm a college student too. So let me tell you, you do not NEED to put these notes to explain anything. We all know that stories here are written for hobby, not as an obligation, and we all know writers have their own lives. I can only update my stories during vacation periods, but I still try. I expect my readers to understand, and so should you.
9/5/2013 c1 sayume214
Very nice!
7/29/2013 c1 6Androgynous-Heron
yes i like this so much please ohhhh more of this luv story! :D
7/29/2013 c1 Ignis76
Is this a one-shot or do you plan to continue?

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