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for What about my dreams?

7/21/2013 c11 11Ivy000
Tooth rocks. Oh, and I was trying to come up with a pairing title for Tooth x Sandy. Ya know, kinda like Tooth x Jack is Rainbow Snowcone?

1. Dream Tooth
2. Golden Age
3. Rainbow Dream

They aren't very good...
7/21/2013 c10 Ivy000
Yay! People don't hate you!

I knew you weren't going to have real Tooth die. I am... PSYCHIC! No... I probably shouldn't review while on a sugar high.

7/21/2013 c9 Ivy000
Minor cliffie! :( I hate cliffies... But it doesn't matter cause I can go straight to the next chapter! Yes! :)
7/21/2013 c8 Ivy000
A little torture? Please!

NO! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?! *slaps self*
7/21/2013 c7 Ivy000
I kinda want you to torture Tooth! YEW, BEAT IT! Ivy, get Yew to go away!

Ivy: Um, it's kinda hard.
Yew: Haha! Guess the big sister can't do everything!

Wait, how are you guys related? You look nothing alike!

Okay, never mind. Great chapter! Now onto the next one! :)
7/21/2013 c6 Ivy000
I'm here, reviewing, next chapter, gotta go, BYE!
7/21/2013 c5 Ivy000
Um, that didn't sound good. NEXT CHAPTER!
7/21/2013 c4 Ivy000
Are you going to torture Tooth? Cause I'm kinda torn between whether or not I would enjoy it. Seriously, I have a really sadistic side. Blame the voices in my head. I have three of them. Yew is the evil one. Ivy is the good one. And Maple is the crazy one.
7/21/2013 c3 Ivy000
As much as I love Tooth x North, Tooth x Sandy is kinda cute.
7/20/2013 c11 Whimsical Scientist
I think that was a beautiful ending. It wasn't disappointing in the least, and I look forward to seeing what you'll write next. :-)
7/20/2013 c11 2TheRealMerlin
7/20/2013 c11 49DarkHorseBlueSky
Aww! I love! Thankyouthankyouthankyou! This story's awesome and it doesn't matter that the clincher was a bit sucky but I loved this anyway! Great job and wield your banana!

Wait what...?
7/18/2013 c2 11Ivy000
Aw, poor Sandy! :(
7/18/2013 c1 Ivy000
Hey adorestories! I was on your profile, and guess what? I'm in this fandom as well as Despicable Me! ;) Yay!
7/11/2013 c10 Nomnomasaur
Poor copied tooth :(
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