Just In
for Texts from my Stranger

6/30/2013 c6 Flylo-13
OMG that is a shocking ending! hope you update soon!
6/23/2013 c5 11Tmntfreak1996
AW! This is fuckng adorable! I love it so much! PLEASE UPDATE SOON! X3
6/23/2013 c1 Tmntfreak1996
Kill you? no! This is amazing! most first chapters i've read are written as though the author is unsure of his or her story line and how to start it but you seem to have it down pat! I love it!
6/5/2013 c4 13zebralily999
Hey, this story is just so amazing! I love the new chapters. Can't wait for the next one. :D
5/24/2013 c4 Flylo-13
I luv this story! I wanna see the reactions on the turtles aces when they see Leo texting a stranger! Update soon!
5/21/2013 c4 number1fanficfan
Loved their text talk and her showing Leo all the faces - I'll be honest I didn't know the -_-' too cute!
5/15/2013 c1 Guest
that was pretty good :) Can't wait to see what happens next :D
5/13/2013 c3 number1fanficfan
Definitely liked the two girls and their interactions. Its nice to see the flip side of the text conversation. Great chapter!
5/5/2013 c2 number1fanficfan
Really enjoying your story and this chapter had me smiling.
4/29/2013 c1 zebralily999
I love this story. Very good start!
4/28/2013 c1 7FairyIllyna
It's a really good start, I already know this fic will be great! Please update soon!
4/25/2013 c1 number1fanficfan
Loved your first chapter. Can't wait to read mire v
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