Just In
for Harry's Un-Birthday Gift

5/1/2013 c3 2librarywitch
Nicely done. Loved the princess bride reference. Thanks for sharing.
5/1/2013 c3 1geetac
I like the chapter.
5/1/2013 c3 23JackPotr
I enjoyed it. Very nice twists and turns along the way.

5/1/2013 c3 20Red Phoenix Dragon
A nice ending tying up some loose ends. Good Dumbledore finally did something useful in trapping Voldemort but he would have disapproved sending him through the veil. So why were the other death eaters not rounded up after Voldemort's attack? What happen to Snape to stop his warning?
Sad Luna was injured but she was well cared for and kept Harry, Hermione and Padma together.
Who was this Charles and is he good enough for Hermione?
Thanks for sharing your story. Please continue to write.
5/1/2013 c3 2PotterThinker
Nice. Very beautiful story. Put tears in me eyes for a while. Well written with no spelling or grammar issues that I could catch. Looking forward to more stories from you.
5/1/2013 c3 31monbade
great story

5/1/2013 c3 12Hedwig Edwiges
Thanks for writing, this was a very nice adventure and surprised me with its end.
5/1/2013 c3 Random number generator
Thanks for handling escape into Lassie as problem, not as something normal. And thanks for Hermione as friend to Harry - to often it is either romance or nothing.
5/1/2013 c3 hpnut1
Loved it, great story!
5/1/2013 c3 FateBurn
Excellent short-story
5/1/2013 c1 PhoenixDK1984
Her name is DOLORES Jane Umbridge - S
5/1/2013 c3 3walters1
I really like this story. It is different and I must say not my favourite but I like it. Though it is very sad what happened to Luna!
Also interested if you know of any other stories written around the plot bunny, particularly if the emphasis is a Harry/Luna relationship, as that is my preferred pairing?

Really good job!
5/1/2013 c3 Wolfric
I have enjoyed your fine story. There was another story with Luna and I think Hermione as Harry's pets. Though that is the only similarity I can recall. I don't think it was ever finished and it was a long time ago that I read it. Thanks for writing. W.
5/1/2013 c3 riegert8
I admit I am disappointed that Dumbledore died, I would like him to pay for his action instead of getting the easy way out.
5/1/2013 c3 3ObsessedWithHPFanFic
Great chapter and ending to your story although rather sad in many ways. Thanks for sharing!
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