Just In
for Illusions

6/8/2022 c30 3Yehudream
This is an amazing amazing story!
3/29/2022 c1 TuckerThorne
Love this entire fic, first found it about 8 years ago and I've been coming back to it every once in a while it's that good. Definitely one of my all-time favourites :)
8/26/2021 c24 Yehudream
Yes help!
8/26/2021 c23 Yehudream
Aw helpful hobbits
8/26/2021 c22 Yehudream
Yay hobbits!
8/26/2021 c21 Yehudream
Incredible writing!
8/26/2021 c20 Yehudream
Fíli now, why!
8/26/2021 c19 Yehudream
8/26/2021 c18 Yehudream
That was a shocking chapter, wow!
8/26/2021 c17 Yehudream
You write so well!
8/26/2021 c16 Yehudream
Aww sweet
8/26/2021 c15 Yehudream
So many emotions!
8/26/2021 c14 Yehudream
This poor family...
8/26/2021 c13 Yehudream
Kíli no!
8/26/2021 c12 Yehudream
This is such a good story!
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