Just In
for The shinobis of the Dead

2/9/2020 c1 thegrison
Really? Sakura gets shot. You do know She was trained to dodge first then attack then heal. Most chunin would be fast enough to SEE the bullet and then dodge it. Hell Lee as a genin after he removed his weights was moving so fast only jonin and above could see him move. Sakura would have knock those guys out before they even could see her. Naruto as a genin dodged a volley of 100 kunai SHOT from a canon. This happened during the Snow/spring country bit.
7/14/2015 c4 T
Your grammar or lack of there of, makes he story hard to read and follow. Seriously it shouldn't be a hassle to read this fic but it is.
3/9/2015 c11 1SarutoruNoBaka
It's a good story man but with so long and no notice I have to conclude that it is a dead story...much sadness.
2/10/2015 c11 lou2003us
I really want to see what happens next!

Looking forward to next chapter!

Keep up the great work.
1/12/2015 c3 WTF
Stop worrying about cliffhangers and start improving your grammar. It hard to keep reading your fic when I can't understand what your write half the time.
12/24/2014 c4 Guest
Rei is irrational for leaving the bus? Dude, she knows better than anyone that Shido can't be trusted and look what happened, the man got most of his group killed with the exception of Tsunoda and Miku, so yeah, Rei was the only one smart, better to risk roaming the streets silently than staying on a bus with someone you know is going to stab you in the back. To be honest, most fans of this series are screwed up, most hate Rei (not saying you do, but most do) while loving Takashi, Takashi is the biggest screw up of all, he was the one dead set on finding parents instead of surviving, like a damn child, he was the one who let Shido on the bus, he had the perfect opportunity to save the students and kill Shido but he didn't take it, if he had, then maybe Miku would be with their group instead of with Shido. I don't get why Takashi's the leader, really it should be Saeko as well as Kohta, they seem to understand, yes Rei caused problems but she's not only a teenage girl thrown in a zombie apocalypse, but one whose been forcefully sheltered by her father who is so damn obsessive of her he made her quit her job at a cafe, seriously I think the guy's creepy. Takashi and Saya are the worst of the group, I mean for fucks sake they know the things react to sound and they make the most damn noise!
8/16/2014 c11 2Sevvus
The doctor makes me think Tsunade at first but then the hesitance to fight made me think of Shizune but no one else came from the naruverse that I'm aware of, so I assume it's someone from the HOTD universe and.. I can't even begin to think of someone!

this is Greeeeaaaaaaat I LOVE IT! I can't wait till you update next! it's flowing very well and I'm like legit worried for non existent people! like you know when your worried about something, your stomach ..not hurts but...I guess the whole heart in your stomach explains it a bit but yeah! I FEEL THAT!

On the edge of my metaphorical seat! HOMAIGAWD!

update soon please and thank you!
6/30/2014 c9 6The Fox Sage
Ms Konoha is tsunade think about body, combat experience and she has medical experience. It would either be Sakura or tsunade but sakura died in this story so it has to be tsunade
5/26/2014 c11 Gordon Hail
I like the story a lot! but i am disappointed at the lack of redemption for rei, you make it look like she is gonna kill herself or something. She learns from her mistakes, i'd say.
5/5/2014 c1 spiritwolf35
I guess I can check this story out even if you have Naruto paired up with the whore of the manga and anime and that whore is none other than Yuuki M. it would have been far better if you have Naruto paired up with Rei but oh well
5/4/2014 c11 22SSJ3 Kyuubi Gohan
5/3/2014 c11 1CreedRazerReaper
It can be sakura, tsunade, hinata, ino, shizune or naruko wish can be the less probably
5/3/2014 c1 5Golum936
Damn auto-correct I meant Shizune not Shizuka.
5/3/2014 c11 Golum936
Well great story so far. I think Doctor Konoha is either tenten or naruto's shadow clone with henge. Considering medical training it could also be Ino or Shizuka. Anyway keep up good work.
5/3/2014 c11 Guest
Its Tenten
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