Just In
for Caught in the Web

1/12 c69 Kheno21
I'm almost sure that if Spiderman were DC, Barbara would be his "MJ". Not counting the characters that this version of Spidey has. But I don't know, I see Peter spending a lot of time with the Batfamily and I think he and Barbara fit very well together.
12/8/2024 c61 Guest
Please get rid of this notice chapter
12/8/2024 c45 Guest
Please get rid of this notice
12/8/2024 c30 Guest
This and Sue Storm part 1 should just be skipped.
12/8/2024 c28 Guest
Some part one stories are boring and can be skipped
12/2/2024 c70 Xavier Arias Gonsalves
Hey there, I don't know if you're still writing but if you still happen to. Then can you afford to create more chapters for this because I do enjoy these oneshots. However if this is discontinued then that's my bad.
6/14/2024 c70 17WwEpsilonwW
Cute collection you have here.
8/31/2023 c70 2gontheone
That was a beautiful story. Every chapter was something I really looked forward to reading. I hope you are well and that you will come back to this
7/21/2023 c70 hugolozano990
en dado caso mi gmail es hugolozano990 gmail
7/21/2023 c70 hugolozano990
hello brothers I love the stories you write I wanted to ask you if you will pick it up again at some point because I really want to see the end of susan
(I am not a native English speaker, I use Google translator)
In which case, please answer, thanks.
7/11/2023 c70 Guest
This was all super great. Had a lot of fun while it lasted.
7/10/2023 c43 Guest
Honestly, this one was odd and you probably could've done it better. Her attacking him was good. I was immediately drawn. It was on point. But the animal thing kind of ruined it.

I would've definitely liked it better if it was the people of New York or maybe even a villain attack that would've persuaded her to see differently.
12/7/2022 c46 KarmaSpidr
I'm grateful that this exists, even if there isn't more
7/11/2022 c32 30samuelalpha86
So did he use pym particles to grow the bottle or was it already huge?
7/10/2022 c13 samuelalpha86
Was that reference to the Sam Raimi movie a fourth-wall break?
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