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for Scar

5/4/2013 c1 7NamikazeMia
seems interesting, cant wait for more
5/1/2013 c1 Guest
I don't read much scar x femed prob cuz this is the first I have seen but it looks good so far
5/3/2013 c1 5whiteicewolf
I would like to read more of this story since most femEd fanfics that I read usually pair ed with roy, so I would like to see how you pair these two together.
Update soon!
4/30/2013 c1 Guest
I like it ...continue
4/30/2013 c1 Jess
I think that a Scar fem ed would be a perfect story! Its a fantastic idea! My opinion. Freedom of speech! Woot, woot! How many chapters are you planning to make it by the way?
4/30/2013 c1 Jess
I think that a Scar fem ed would be a perfect story! Its a fantastic idea! My opinion. Freedom of speech! Woot, woot!
4/30/2013 c1 18Cap'nHoozits
There's not a whole lot to go on so far, but the premise has potential. I say go for it.
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