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for Harry Potter & His Saiyan Blood

8/29/2015 c7 1Mirai HitsugayaKurosaki
Omg! Plz update soon!
7/23/2015 c7 Delta3950
Okay I have to say Nappa's power level when they attacked earth in the DBZ canon was between 3500 and 7000 maybe even 4300. Here his power level is quite possibly just over 1k and that's a maybe. Now let us say that Raditz, Harry and Draco(Hermione pending) if the RoRs is able to create a magical Gravity room that increases gravity up to even just 20 times that should actually enable them to kill Nappa quite easily even Raditz who is most likely more willing to kill.
7/23/2015 c1 Delta3950
I only recently thought of a Harry Potter and Dragon Ball Z cross over and this is the first story I saw that I thought might be worth it. Now in the summary you said Dumbledor bashing but only at the starting I'm cool with that, but as for the Weasely Bashing may I suggest 3 people if you don't have any others aside from Ron? Anyways my first is Ron Weasely let's face it he abandoned Harry in a fit of Jealousy in this year four, he turned around and did it again in book seven, he's a pig(much worse than me I know better than to speak with my mouth so full I'm spitting out mashed potatoes), he's stupid and he's holding Harry back I mean come on they pick Divination as one of their electives rather than something useful like Ancient Runes, now don't get me wrong you'd need a steady hand for Rune Carving I don't have that, Arithmancy apparently requires a lot of math in order to create new spells as a child that was my favorite subject until I reached Pre Algebra with the different alterations from Cubic Centimeters converted to Cubic Feet and Meters and all that other stuff I just never understood it. Anyways Percy Weasely is a rule abiding prat he abandons his family and doesn't even return to them until after book 6(as far as I know I could be wrong) Ginny Weasely she'd been infatuated with him since she first saw him on the train platform prior to his first year she finally got over him and started dating Michael Corner in year 4-5, then she started dating Dean Thomas and broke up with him when Harry Bumped into her while under the influence of Felix Felecis and under his invisibility cloak. Also what's the deal with Molly Weasely in book one she goes around bantering about muggles and then turns around and asks what the name of the platform was as if she'd never used the train before. You ask me it could have been a plant attempt to trick Harry into becoming familiar with them and so that Ron new who to look for once on the train.
5/9/2015 c2 Isali
Reunite Bardock with Gine and their son Kakarot
3/23/2015 c7 5Goddess Seshat
Great story cant wait for more.
2/13/2015 c2 crazyjim87
the story has promise but you need a beta reader fast. Many mistakes were spotted amongst them are the your/you're mistake scour / score( the right word) .etc
1/12/2015 c7 Elfin69
Hopefully Nappa will actually have an accident and either have a change in heart or be destroyed before he can hurt anyone.
1/8/2015 c7 7Kaito Echizen

Kaito is hungry want to eat
1/4/2015 c6 Elfin69
Guess Dumbledore will not give up and now they will have several enemies to fight to protect their world.
1/4/2015 c5 Elfin69
Looks like even with Dumbledore fighting, good things are still happening to the others. I am surprised that he is still at Hogwarts.
1/4/2015 c4 Elfin69
At last now Fawkes is free and Kakarot is on his way to Earth. Will Dumbledore find Harry or bind him or will Harry and the others all be protected.
1/4/2015 c3 Elfin69
Maybe Gine is actually somewhere on Earth and not truly dead. Maybe Death or Fate did the same for her that they did for Bardock. Will they have Ron put the memory into a pensieve and give it to the Ministry against Dumbledore also?
1/4/2015 c2 Elfin69
Hopefully Bardock will be able to protect Harry and Draco and possibly free Fawkes from Dumbledore before he can do any more harm.
1/4/2015 c1 Elfin69
At least they are working together and will now get out of Dumbledore manipulations.
7/26/2014 c6 1Tricksters Anarchy
(0_0) Totally did not expect it to be THIS dang good, no offense, but I've read some really crappy HPxDBZ Xovers and my expectations eventually dropped. In your case though, this is head and shoulders above 98% of them, and one of my favorites!
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