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for Plus One

10/8/2015 c1 bestofbelle
OH WOW, this is fantastic! I don't know why I never noticed this story earlier because Digimon AUs are my not-so-guilty pleasure. ;)
You have such a great knack for writing dialogue! It all flows nicely and really captures the essences of the characters. Their interactions all feel very real to me, which is extremely hard to write, in my opinion. Amazing job! Also, I just need to say that your characterization of TK is like... adorable perfection. I can't get enough of that little muffin.
Hopefully you'll continue to update! But regardless, you'll still have a big fan over here. :)
10/4/2015 c8 20A Hidden Path
Man, I feel like everyone is hiding stuff, all layered and folded in on themselves. What are these peeps thinking? I don't think I would have guessed that Hana had such a strict routine. Do the dancers really have to work so much? I would think it would put a damper on the luxurious lifestyle some of them seem to be after.

How interesting that you have this whole big world, but Taichi, Hana, Ryo, and Kat are all being pulled into the very same building! XD I don't think they can avoid running into one another over and over, so I'm interested to see how the proximity works out. Ahhh I can't believe Taichi and Kat are still going out, awwww maaaaan, I don't know how that is going to work out XD XD I'm so happy for the update and looking forward to the next one :D :D :D Thank you!
5/21/2015 c7 2mrboogie94
Your writing is not lacking at all. I personally am more picky about the pacing. Chapter 4 for example, (as much as I do love Tai/Izzy) I didn't think you needed the entire chapter to lead up to Tai finding out about going to Paris. I found that the second and third chapters had parts that were kind of trivial whenever it diverged away from Tai's storyline. Idk it's probably just me being excited about what's to come and would prefer things to move.

Anyways, I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter! I love the energy/chemistry both girls have with Tai. Stoked to see what's to come :)
5/14/2015 c7 LyntD
I really enjoyed this story so far, and now that the other love interest has been introduced and she seems like MUCH less of a bitch than Catherine, I shall be cheering her on! Now hopefully our dear Tai can pull himself together for this!

Can't wait to see more, the story seems like it's just getting started ;)
5/13/2015 c7 20A Hidden Path
DUDE Taichi hates Ryo on principal, by sight alone, ahhhhh. I mean, I know they had a run in last time, but still... It's fate for Tai to hate him, isn't it? XD XD XD

"I have to"? Man, why is Taichi so stuck on Kat? I'm not sure that we've seen a reason yet... We're getting a lot of Tai's feelings for her, but not much back from Kat, and not much of a why. I assume it's coming XD Unless Tai really just is that desperate to be with someone right now?

Hmm, I am really tired right now, but I'm not sure I understood Tai and Hana's conversation. It all went downhill when they started talking about Hana's career. Why would you be defensive about being prima ballerina? Was she mad that Tai obviously wasn't paying attention to the show? Does Hana carry around her own pamplets all the time? And SMOKING? Actually, someone told me smoking helps you manage your weight (?), so could that be why? You'd think the ballerinas would be more worried about their bodies...

Auuughhh why did the men jump straight to, "You should have tapped that"? It... probably does happen, but I didn't think any of Hana's behavior/conversation indicated that she wanted to take him home on the spot. I should probably say that I've never flirted/been flirted with in a bar before, though? And then Tai making her a conquest... "I've never slept with a famous ballerina before, although I didn't want her two seconds ago because she's boyish." LET ME PUNCH HIM. Punch his FACE. I'm assuming we're supposed to be annoyed with him right now- Tai hasn't been on his best behavior in this AU, and I expect to see it catch up with him eventually XD

Hm, expectations... I sort of expect that Kat is pulling away. She doesn't seem interested anymore, but of course, Taichi has a magnetic personality... We'll see. It seems that Tai is leaving France soon, though, so I'm not sure what will happen after that XD

Can I say that it would be both kind of sad and kind of hilarious for Ryo to sweep Kat off her feet right now? XD XD XD

Ahhh okay, thanks for the update! I'm always eager to see what happens next :D :D
5/12/2015 c7 12Vigatus
Ha ha ha ha!
3/21/2015 c6 Vigatus
As a diplomat I wpuld think that Tai wod be better at not swearing. I hope we get to learn why Kari had issues with Catherine.
3/19/2015 c6 2mrboogie94
Tai is a mess lol and he should stay that way. It's great entertainment. I adore your writing and how visual everything is. Thank you for updating! :)
3/18/2015 c5 mrboogie94

I'm really loving how you're writing Catherine. And anyone who can push Tai's buttons is a real mvp
3/12/2015 c6 1Advanced-ZeroX
I love it!
3/11/2015 c6 20A Hidden Path
Okay, I had to stop and comment- How does one flare a single nostril? I would love to learn that trick. How disconcerting would it be to flare your nostrils alternately in rapid succession? Okay, sorry, I got a little too amused there! XD

How much French does Taichi speak? Does he speak to Catherine and Hana in French? I'm sorry, I know I'm always that annoying person who asks these obnoxious questions, but I'm curious XD I assume Hana speaks Japanese? Unless this is Hana Livrey...

Auuugh I love how he's just... Putting his hands on strangers and nudging them aside, Taiiiichiiii you are the best and worst diplomat. (Speaking of, I wonder how tonight's bout of diplomacy went? Or is that to follow? Is he going to work drunk? Tut tut! XD)

Hm, Tai's regrets about Kat seem to center on his vision of himself alone at the Ishida wedding... I wonder how much he likes her? Maybe he's just stuck on a bitter thought?

You know, when I visited England/France, I was so thirsty when we entered the hotel room, and there was this pretty bottle in a bucket of ice at the hotel... I was like 11? I jumped on it and started downing it, only to receive my first taste of sparkling water. Euuuughhhhhhhhh. I know exactly what Tai is feeling here, haha! (In retrospect, I wonder how much my Aunt had to pay for the stupid bottle I opened).

Haha, Hana's already being so troublesome, I love it. The best part, of course, is how much she laughs at him, and how hard she has to work to hold back until he's out of her sight. I can't help but wonder how they'll be thrown in each other's way next time!

Always eager for more. Thanks for writing :D
3/5/2015 c5 A Hidden Path
Man, what is with Catherine's boss? I'm trying to figure out if she's trying to rule by intimidation, or if she's just... kind of mean. If a boss said, "be as grateful as you want" to me, I would automatically look at them like, "excuse me? A little courtesy for a fellow human?" Maybe I'm not cut out for corporate XD And then her editor? Why are these people so hostile? Maybe I'm just naive? Yeesh, keep me away from that office XD

I liked Catherine's fixation on the woman's wedding ring; such a truism, and it really points to where Kat's mind is these days.

It's so enjoyable to see Taichi through Catherine's eyes. Not because she's particularly fond of him at this moment, but because... We're used to seeing him as the leader, seeing THROUGH his eyes. It's nice to see him from the perspective of someone who is... Maybe not so impressed or eager about him at the moment. It's just great for a change of pace, you know? Like, he's not a god; he's some dude, a great dude, but a flawed one, too. I love how she made him wait for a response XD

Man, and this Azuma dude, what a piece of work! Poor Taichi...

Someone once told me that it's impossible to write anything with realistic drama set after the dawn of mobile phones. Why did Taichi not text Kat about his delay? Stupid things are too convenient, aren't they? It's always a problem when you're trying to create tension.

AHHH I grinned so hard when Ryo walked on the set. The first thing he does is smirk. Man, you just want to punch him in the face, why do I love him so much? XD AND THEN HE'S LIKE, I'M A DOCTOR GUYS. DOOOOCCCCTOOOOOOR. OH MAN. CREST OF PRETENTIOUSNESS.

AND THEN MAN, did Tai blow it, or what? He definitely seems way more interested in Kat than she is in him, so I'm wondering how they will forge ahead, and I'm interested to see what their relationship was like before it started going downhill.

I loved your language in this one... The thing about the pinball machine and the hiccuping heart, especially. It was definitely a huge treat to read, and I'm really looking forward to the next update :D :D Thank you for writing this :D
1/23/2015 c3 2mrboogie94
So this is officially on hiatus? I'm anticipating its comeback. I love your writing and the way you characterize Tai. Hungry for more!
1/12/2015 c4 Kay
Please come back to fanfiction soon! I miss your writing and your perfect pairings.
3/8/2014 c4 21CherrygirlUK19
This chapter was awesome as always.

I'm looking forward to seeing what's in store for Tai when he arrives in France :)
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