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for Plus One

11/28/2013 c4 13ShortySC22
I'm enjoying this story and looking forward to the next chapter.
11/27/2013 c4 Sora Loves Rain
Damn, he's going to Paris! Great chapter & Happy Thanksgiving!:)
11/27/2013 c4 20A Hidden Path
Delightful, as always. You've got a lot to love here, from the message Takeru left (my reply message would be along the lines of, "Oh, great, so Yamato will have her back soon, then"), to Yamato's reply, and, of course, Koushiro. Yay, Koushiro! XD Also, Tai, a computer and a fridge are two very different things, hahaha! Although, I suppose there's a chance that Koushiro may be closely following a lot of companies, for investment reasons. Just seems like a thing he might do. Also, you successfully turned my stomach with the description of the stench of Tai's fridge, lol.

Uhh... Yes, I did want to comment on the structure of the chapter, I guess? It seems like we have a scene cut after Tai calls Koushiro, and then a lot of condensed info on what Hikari thinks of Kat after the scene break. Then, suddenly, we're back to Tai having (the same?) phone conversation with Koushiro, and it's disorienting. We're also told that Koushiro made Tai feel better, but it's not really shown. He didn't seem to say anything that Taichi particularly took to heart, unless the implication was just that he needed to vent?

Of course, including condensed info is often disorienting. The flow of information revelation has been a lot more natural in previous chapters, coming to us mostly through conversations and observations. The pacing of revelations is something I personally have the worst time with... Especially when the story is slow moving, and you just want to kick it into motion already, haha! But it's generally a bad idea to insert a long inner thought process on what Kari thinks of Kat, and what Tai thinks of Kari's thoughts on Kat, right in the middle of something else.

Of course, this is the silly opinion of a silly person who doesn't know much, so take it or leave it at your discretion, as always. Obviously, still adored the chapter- and how can I not comment on that half-hearted, somewhat desperate joke Koushiro made at the end, there, awwww man- and I can't waaaaaaait for the next one. I was so excited when I saw this in my inbox this morning, haha!
11/26/2013 c4 41chromate
Bossy Kari smacking Tai right in the head. Just gotta love her. And T.K. being a smart ass? No wonder I think they are perfect for each other!

A part of my brain is telling me that Izzy must have had some sort of similar thoughts before to seriously consider the possibility of it being an order.

Haha, this chapter is entertaining as always, with a constantly-swearing Tai being cynical over every single thing in his life. It will be great to see him in France and quite possibly running into Catherine. I wonder how that will go? Update soon!
11/26/2013 c4 NegaiKoumi
Nice chap Kuz Good read.. Koo you updated now I have to wait until then cant wait to read more soon this ficc is bomb.. Koumi Gone...
11/26/2013 c4 12Vigatus
Thanks for updating.
10/21/2013 c3 21CherrygirlUK19
I didn't think this chapter was pointless, I really enjoyed it.

I love how you portrayed TK, and the descriptions were perfect and really helped set the mood during the conversations at dinner :)

Looking forward to the next chapter!
9/20/2013 c3 K
This chapter was not pointless, it was perfect. Perfect dialogue, perfect descriptions, mood, characterization. I love your tk and Kari, and Matt, and ahh! Mimi and Izzy for world domination! Perfect. And ugh, why do parents do that? My long term boyfriend's mom still brings up his ex gf, who he dated like almost five years ago and they didn't even date that long. Irritating. Anyway, can't wait to read more!
9/17/2013 c3 20A Hidden Path
Zeus above, I love this story XD

You have some really great descriptive language in this one. I really enjoyed how you described the chandeliers, for one. More pertinently, the social aspect was very strong here. You could very much feel connections between people... Friendship between Tai and Matt, brotherly teasing between TK and Matt, the awkwardness caused by Yuuko and everyone else (one wonders how she could be so oblivious, or whether her desire for this information merely supersedes her concerns for her son's comfort).

Your TK is amazing. He's so lovable, and his enthusiasm and playfulness are spellbinding, but just when you are in danger of thinking too highly of him, he's a pretentious little bastard, and I love it. Gosh, the world is just his plaything, isn't it?

I do wonder why Tai seems to swing between being annoyed by TK, implying that he's not good enough for his sister, and thinking well of him. Is that just dependent on how he's feeling with his over protective brother syndrome? I also wonder how far back Matt and Tai go, for Matt to be invited to a Kamiya family reunion (obviously TK is there with Kari, but Matt is unattached in that way). His mother is also very familiar with TK. I guess I'm probing for background info that may not even be pertinent, but that only shows that I'm interested XD

Also, MAN is Matt keeping his finger on the pulse at the dinner table. I like how, the second Tai distracts him with a (wildly inappropriate) topic, and Matt is no longer monitoring, things go to hell with Yuuko XD I think it's very much in character for him. Is Matt going to keep being a main character?

You are right, this chapter didn't offer us any vital information, but I sure enjoyed it, and I'm eager for the next one :D
9/15/2013 c3 NegaiKoumi
Koo Chap Good Koumi hint and I'm sure the Sorato hints well come as well... Keep It coming I hope to Read more Soon Yo...
9/15/2013 c3 41chromate
Another well-made chapter. I love this dreamy version of TK with a hint of innocent slyness. I also love how everyone knows what to do to keep the conversation going to save Tai the trouble. So sweet of them! Particularly, I like the friendly interaction between Tai and Matt. It shows how much of good friends they are, and it's really heartening. Good chapter, and I look forward to more!
8/25/2013 c2 K
So far, I think you've written each character PERFECTLY! When I read your writing, I can actually envision it as if I were watching an episode. Tk is funny, tai is funny, Kari is how she should be. I even loved how you wrote the phone dialogue between tai and koushirou, it's perfect. Please update soon!
6/20/2013 c2 2Keifeto-Darkles
Okay between the first chapter and this one i have to say this is awesome and i like where its going, and very inspiring. but my biggest thing about this chapter and this is the amusing part is i could feel the brother/sister relationship. it feels very real as i have a little sister of my own and when we argue we argue very similarly. always trying to be smarter and more right than each other while only making things worse and insulting each other more to the point where we just drop and enjoy talking to each other again (not all in the same sitting mind you) i love where this is going and i encourage you to continue you this SOON!
5/29/2013 c2 8mahwish1
Oh my! :) I really loved the way you've written this! I'm so excited to read more.. I loved the way you've written Tai! I really liked the conversation between Kari and Tai.. :)
I'm really excited to read more and find out what kind of past He and Catherine have.. :)
5/19/2013 c2 21CherrygirlUK19
I'm loving this story so far. The way you've portrayed the characters are great. You really have got a super talent at writing :)

I particularly liked the conversation between Tai and Kari, I thought it showed their relationship well.

Will be looking forward to the next chapter!
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