Just In
for Plus One

5/19/2013 c2 85Kal-El Fornia
Yeah, I picked up that they had a past because, well, it was in the summary. Lmao, but yeah I don't know what you mean about not feeling this chapter so much and thinking its slow, but I thought it was great. There are words for chapters like this, and its called character development. You make these characters seem like people rather than raandoms in a story, and I like the past and relationships you've made for Tai and the gang. It feels very real.
5/15/2013 c2 Koumi-Loc
Nice Read Koo chap... Cant wait for4 an update soon I'm Out...
5/14/2013 c2 41chromate
Nice chapter. I really like the interaction between Tai and Kari of throwing insults/rude remarks at each other while still caring for the other. It stirs up a really nice atmosphere there. I don't really see how TK is 'really boyish' here - carefree, yes, but not sure about the boyish remark. That is not a criticism, however. I also like the TK you portray here, just that the Tai-Kari interaction steals all the attention on this chapter. Good work and I'll look forward to future updates.
5/14/2013 c2 20A Hidden Path
Man, what does Tai have up his ass? XD Welll, I guess we know- he's upset about the whole wedding thing. You know one thing I love here, and I can't help but wonder if you did it on purpose or just serendipitously... I have found in my life that, whenever someone is uncertain about something internally, they start defening it vocally and putting down other options. And Tai is so totally doing that here. He's so obviously wondering if he's made the right choices, and fighting that uncharacteristic doubt by defending himself. And the phone details- Oh my gosh, I hate when someone blows me off for the phone, seriously. I was so with Kari there.

Okay, Amy would be all over an Odyssey themed party of any nature, but I think that, for a bachelor party, she would have to point out thath Odysseus sleeps with, uh, quite a few ladies over his Odyssey while his wife is literally pulling tricks and fighting to not be forced into infidelity to a man the world says is dead. But on the other hand... siren strippers is a compelling argument, now isn't it.

I am terrorified of when I eventually write Kari and TK, because I thought the show actually provided very basic, bland personalities for them (my apologies to fans of those two, it's just my opinion). I personally just eat up your TK. I love his airy personality, although I do find it a little hard to swallow his occasional use of sort of... intellectual pompousness. That just isn't something I personally would have attributed to him, but, on the other hand, I applaud you for giving him personality traits when the show itself couldn't seem to decide what to do with him.

As for Kari, I think what I enjoyed most about her was her understanding of her brother. She really gets him, and that's touching and lovely and so forth.

I was wondering if Kari was talking about Hana or Catherine! I actually never saw a lot of season two of Digimon, I have no idea who she is (well I get that she's a World Tour Digidestined, obviously from France).

Anyway, you are most definitely starting out in a slow, meandering sort of way, which I love, but I can see where other readers may be itching for something more...actiony. (Yes, actiony). I just eat up conversations, although I do wonder at Tai And Kari's mutual crabiness with each other. Is this supposed to be showing that they feel free to say whatever they want to each other, since they are close, or should I be sensing that something is going on in their lives that I don't know about at the moment? I mean, seems weird to Tai to come back after being away for a month or two and immediately start on his sister about how her choices are immature and too idealistic.

In short, I'm wondering what you have up your sleeve! ;) Thanks for the update, this was lovely, and so beautifully laid back :)
5/14/2013 c2 LILFOC
I liked this chapter!
Your an excellent writer and the relationships you portray between the charters is great!
5/11/2013 c1 85Kal-El Fornia
So, I've been looking around for new stories to read based on the fact that some stories I'm subscribed to take a long time to update, and I came across this little story of yours. I liked what I read, though I'm not quite sure what to expect. Will it be more humorous or dramatic? More heartfelt or bittersweet? From where I'm standing I feel it could go either way, or yet, and this may be a possibility, maybe the story is all of the above? I suppose that all I can do is wait, keep reading, and see for myself.

Ill be sticking around.
5/9/2013 c1 12Vigatus
I am looking forward to how this works out.
5/8/2013 c1 43EmD23
I'm hoping Catherine wins this one. I mean, Hana's got him everywhere else.
5/5/2013 c1 20A Hidden Path
Ohhh myyyy gooooosssssh, I love this! This is my favorite thing that you've written so far. What I liked best was the details about Tai's house. They were perfect, so revealing, not just in setting, but in character, and that is awesome. And I laughed so hard when I found a sentence containing both the words "TK" and "strippers," although I'm not entirely sure I can explain why. And how funny that, at nearly age thirty, Tai is still prodding Izzy for counsel, and still entirely ignoring his wisdom! (Seriously, why even bother calling?) And I have to wonder... Of course, I'm inclined to agree with Izzy that "person I know guest" is simply what one writes when inviting a single person to their wedding, and it's not at all personal, and Tai's being dramatic and stupid. But Tai is so adamant that his sister is "challenging" him, and I am curious if he could be at all right, purely by the strength of his conviction.

I was only disappointed in one way. Tai makes a direct reference to Izzy's ass without calling it bony... Honestly, Aveza, what were you thinking? Tch. I expect a revision immediately XD

I can't wait to see more :D
5/4/2013 c1 Koumi-Loc
Nice fic! TaichixCat sounds coo but not good as TaiJun kuz I can never see Taichi marry a blonde... But coo none the less loved the small Koumi/Sorato parts as well... I want to read Koumi-side-couples were Kou dye his hair in his teens...
5/4/2013 c1 LILFOC
Interesting premise!
yay Takari and Sorato!
is this cannonish?
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