Just In
for Commander of Zero

5/28/2015 c6 captain Orion Zete
It good but ples update
4/1/2015 c1 Achilles
big wall of text was a big turn off.
5/15/2014 c6 madcat3200
hey you happened to update this last on my birth day of last year, Do me a favor and update it some more please. Thank you
4/22/2014 c6 Guestie
YEAH! SHOW EM THE POWER OF MURICA! But what the hell. This ish good!
12/30/2013 c6 3coronadomontes
un fanfic fasinante
10/25/2013 c6 pataponvideo
I say never mess with him unless you want to be dead man.
10/7/2013 c6 pandawa
too bad you didn't bring imperial MCV. didn't the rune would restricted will and past memory, so he became obedient? anyway keep it up
10/2/2013 c6 Guest
To good more
8/17/2013 c6 1AZNMAGICMAN
I can't wait for Reconquistas reaction
8/10/2013 c6 5Inquisitor Halbread
I am enjoying this story. Feels rushed though as you could add so much character depth in the sections you 'skip' (explaining Louise's reaction to the Kirov for example). Otherwise please continue with this good story
7/19/2013 c6 Mar. Aaron Walker
More Command and Conquer wankery continues!

Marshal Signing out!
7/9/2013 c6 Guest
chapter 6 last sentence: True
7/9/2013 c6 BeanCorn
Not logging in as I'm mobile, Okay, I'm pleased with what I'm seeing. You're spelling is acceptable, your syntax and grammar require a moderate improvement. That being said, I was shocked to be so far into the plot so quickly. You need content from normal activities, in addition to improving your combat sequences . Again however you're doing okay
7/9/2013 c6 Guest
I love the shear strangeness that Halkenginia now has to face. While most might not like overpowered fanfics such as this, I find them funny and immensely entertaining. Keep up the good work.
7/9/2013 c6 chrome23
This chapter is very good! but I feel is a little short and with little interactions or conversations between characters, don't take what I say as a offense, I'm only suggesting. En general is very good, only a little short.
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