Just In
for Of The Wolves And The Orphans

4/17/2014 c13 Guest
Would you need to have watched winter soldier for the next chapter? I have yet to see it but really want to read the next chapter, so if there are any spoilers could you warn us at the start of the chapter? Thank you for this awesome peice of writing! :)
4/16/2014 c13 Lollypops101
Great work! I am assuming that the young man in the shades is the son who was mentioned in the earlier brief? Is it important to have seen Winter Soldier or AoS? I saw the few few episodes, but then started being stupid and I don't have cable, so...
4/16/2014 c13 6GiraffePanda2
This was soo good! I loved the humor. Is she going to wear a dress? That's going to be hilarious. Oh man, HA! Can't wait for that. Anyway, I wonder who the shady(see what i did there) man is?
4/6/2014 c12 Guest
I Luv it more more please
3/17/2014 c12 20kage kitsune 14
Update soon, please!
2/13/2014 c12 Lollypops101
Are they some kind of cloning experiment, just opposite genders? But, with the same DNA? Great work! And, I would be extremely surprised if she wasn't going to stick with SHIELD.
2/13/2014 c12 6GiraffePanda2
This is pure brilliance. Utter, utter genius. There's no other way to describe it! I love it so much, it's fantastic and awesome and just so cool! You do a great job, and I'm very eager to read the next chapter.
I think that they might be related, but maybe not, it's just a small thought. I don't really know, it's just a small thought.
Anyway, you're a wonderful writer!
1/23/2014 c11 jalohalo123
Wow, this is great stuff. Could i please see a bit more of clint bonding?
1/15/2014 c11 1QuillMist9674
1/11/2014 c11 Guest
I just found this story and it is wonderful. I love it. Please post more soon. I am definitely not asleep. I sitting on the edge of my seat wanting more please.
1/10/2014 c11 Call me Stranger
I think the plot of this story is really coming along. I haven't checked when it was last updated but I hope you didn't give up on it. I have some opinions of my own actually wether they're important or not. First of all, I think that hawk eye should start relaxing around Keira, slowly, but surely. Maybe it's because she gives him something to do. Maybe because they need worthy opponents. I'm just not used to seeing or hearing hawk eye act so aggressive and cruel. Well not in the movie. If he hast a soft side, really show it if at all, maybe using his background, or what you think it could of been. I know that they're not particularly friends and all ( ;) ) but seriously. Also your grammar. Fishes? Anyways? Hawk eye is more intelligent. Fish, and anyway is more appropriate if you want him to be taken seriously. That's my take on it, I just hope you can finish it soon. (I am also very impressed by you number of reviews. They're very... spacious.) Side note, nice details, just try not to over do it in the near future like many great authors often do.
1/9/2014 c11 Guest
Hey, wow this story is awesome! Please update soon I really want to find out about Clint's theory and if it is true. That would be cool if they were long lost siblings! Thanks for the amazing story so far! Please update soon!
1/11/2014 c11 Alaska Winters
It is sooooooooooooo good... please update soon..
this story is sooo cool! plz speed up the update time :-)
1/10/2014 c4 4callieandjack
Dang! She would be perfect for being an assassin!
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