Just In
for Raised By Vampires

7/12/2019 c20 1kittyranma
It would have been hilarious if you had used the highlander version of immortality.
1/7/2019 c25 Kyshka
Great story
9/15/2018 c25 NatalieLynn
Great story!
7/12/2018 c5 The Darker Side of the World22
"So I ate him."

How logical. I love this story!
12/10/2017 c1 1Dr.SuperLockPotterPendragon
Still my 100% favorite story by you!
3/30/2017 c25 Mama's Stories
This was such a beautifully, amazing story.
I loved that both houses worked together.
This last chapter was surprising how many friends chose to become vampires.
Really enjoyed it.
3/30/2017 c24 Mama's Stories
Can't believe those girls where not punished off what they did. I guess in the wizardry world, money really does talk.
3/30/2017 c23 Mama's Stories
Did not see that coming. Mind blowing!
Can't believe her parents are involved!
3/30/2017 c22 Mama's Stories
Am kind of speechless!
3/27/2017 c21 Mama's Stories
I am blown away that Caroline and Tyler have finally met up with them.
Love Tyler's description of grey back going crazy over slythrin come back!
That would be funny to watch.
3/27/2017 c20 Mama's Stories
She has a sense of humor about it. Thanking Pansy for breaking the silencing curse.
I don't think she was out to kill her.
3/27/2017 c18 Mama's Stories
It's so wonderful to see the families getting along.
Lynn is really tough, even without majic, she's kicking ass and taking names.
Is this going to be a permanent thing for Lynn?
3/26/2017 c17 Mama's Stories
This has to be a really strange looking necklace.
3/26/2017 c16 Mama's Stories
Love the idea of a Halloween costume party.
Howi is he here?
3/25/2017 c14 Mama's Stories
I think house elfs surprise you.
Who knew they had that kind of power!
I love the malfoy's helping. Love it!
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