Just In
for Grand Grumblings

1/9/2014 c1 Fraulein Takoor
Very sweet One-Shot :-)
11/11/2013 c1 9Akemi McDaniel
lol I love the end :)
7/27/2013 c1 Rayna
Aww I love this story it was so cute! You write really well, it was entertaining and flowed really nicely! :D
6/9/2013 c1 FaerieBlast
Loved it :)
5/20/2013 c1 Tilga
Adorable! I love the pride Draco and Rose have in their hair, though with Hermione and Harry in the gene pool I kinda get it. I love the line about the brat having messy hair and four eyes that he got from his ugly grandfather, that alone made me laugh for a solid few minutes. You really are one of the funniest writers here, I hope to see more soon.
5/16/2013 c1 Guest
So that was lovely and amusing . . . Can you update Babysitting Blues now? Please?
5/15/2013 c1 oscarg
hee! very fun little piece with fun interpretations of both draco and hermione. love the last line!
5/11/2013 c1 Guest
I laughed my way through this one - you're brilliant.
5/10/2013 c1 hgdmforever
Awwwww...this was so cute :)
5/9/2013 c1 flowersNfreaks
Funny! Cute! :)
5/9/2013 c1 51Divess
Really cute. Love it. Well done.
5/9/2013 c1 erinelle
Loved it! Too funny! The hair quips never get old :-)
5/9/2013 c1 12fantasia-49
Ohh so cute and so funny.
5/9/2013 c1 4CoMiCalMe
Great one-shot! I found it to be very charming and funny.
5/9/2013 c1 nathy7
You are absolutely funny. As busy as you are, you are able to do this and it's inspiring.
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