Just In
for Marcel Bonin lost in time

2/14/2022 c1 1fairyofdreames
re ading this again miss the story :( probably wont be updated
11/9/2021 c27 1carmynsorena
please update. i was really getting into this.
9/28/2021 c26 3R.E. Carmine
Your story is amazing! However, you would really benefit from an editor. There are many errors and they distract from your writing.n
8/19/2021 c27 rosemazur13
Girl what!? Where's the rest? How can you give me such a big cliffhanger. I know it's been a while but, this was really good.
2/13/2017 c27 2katniss12
Don't use th names so much it gets tiresome after awhile.
9/1/2016 c27 Gilyflower
really love this fic. I'm desperate to see an update on the future
7/30/2015 c22 9Love.Fiction.2023
Loved it.
7/30/2015 c18 Love.Fiction.2023
This is great.
7/30/2015 c12 Love.Fiction.2023
7/30/2015 c5 Love.Fiction.2023
I liked this. Glad you are keeping Spock in character.
7/26/2015 c4 Love.Fiction.2023
Why did he call her darling?
7/26/2015 c2 Love.Fiction.2023
looking good.
7/24/2015 c27 L'alchimiste de Castille
Great story, really unique!
5/6/2015 c27 8BurnedSpy
update asap
2/18/2015 c26 6embermoonlight
I am very excited to hear what this could be! Continue soon! :)
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