Just In
for My Friend, John

1/8/2017 c7 10Ilaria-Jade-Phoenix-Slytherin
More please!
7/14/2014 c2 14sherotterlocked
THIS IS SO AMAZING! I loved it so much well done!
3/23/2014 c7 15Shreiking Beauty
Yay! Perfect! Just what I was looking for!
10/19/2013 c7 3MCRmy-saved-me
Hey nice to see this fic updated! Isn't the uk fab? I love travelling! I live in London so I adore it! It's such an amazing city. Once your here for a while you see the quaint bookstores and cafés. And small art galleries. I wish I could spend more time in America I've been to New York a few times and California once. I'd love to travel to all 50 states.
6/29/2013 c6 8Prplepixie
I love Sherlock's point of view! I bet it's a lot of fun writing it! I love the story and I can't wait for more!
6/22/2013 c6 Guest
Please update? Pretty pretty please with Benedict on top? It was really good and sweet and I SHIP THEM SO HARD IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY! I'm too lazy to log in PercabethForever211
6/3/2013 c6 10SakuraBlossom58
Love it! Poor Sherlock... Just because he's gay the entire school avoids him. Jackasses. I can't wait to read more. I'm happy John stood up to him. I kinda can't wait to see if Sherlock or John will figure out that John's gay first. Probably Sherlock lol.
6/2/2013 c6 1Samzi
Fab story. Can't wait for more, so please write away :-)
6/2/2013 c6 638annie81
Ah see now you done it. You made me all squishy inside. I love this story so intensely!
6/2/2013 c5 8annie81
I had to stop reading and pace a few times. But I finally got through it and now all I want is to punch Moriartys fuckin' face. And i know Moriarty said he was only playing gay, but even after that he seemed flamboyant to me..idk it doesn't matter. Ima still kill him.
6/2/2013 c4 8annie81
I did enjoy it very much. I wanna huh them both. You and your friend have had such an amazing plot idea. I'd kiss you both! I've not disliked a single word, nay! A single letter! Please continue to be awesome!
6/2/2013 c3 8annie81
This so well, perfect! I really love it! I hope this story has a million chapters as good as this one!
6/2/2013 c2 8annie81
Ahhhh no it was BA when you winked Holmsy! You've got his character down goooood. The analysing was spot on and I giggled a bit when he deduced all that about John.
6/2/2013 c1 8annie81
JOHN'S A BAMF! And I can imagine him very well. He was made even more BA by my listening to Burn it to the ground.
I love how he's already against Sherlock smoking. Me gusta!
And the jumper! Yes!
6/1/2013 c6 4Some-GAY-ass-Nerd
Good job with the ne chapters I love it Soul please update soon XD
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