Just In
for ExtraOrdinary Love Quadrangle

12/25/2002 c6 Shari Again
Bwehehehe (okay, forgive the stupid-sounding laugh. I just happen to have picked it up somewhere) ! I like the parts where Sakuragi kept telling Ayami what to call his teammates. It’s so Sakuragi-ish. Bwehehe… and it’s just like Mitsui and Miyagi to think girls can’t “play” basketball. Che! Cool chappie though. Go Ayami and Sakuragi!
12/25/2002 c5 Shari Again
Ahaha… Ayami sure is violent! I like her! Yup, I do! she’s cool! Congratulations for making a cool OC! I do think Mitsui’s plan of hiring Ayami to kill Rukawa is a good one. that way he won’t be doing the actual fighting. Bwehehehe… nice!
12/25/2002 c4 Shari
I hate Know-it-all-I’m-gonna-embarrass-my-students Sensei! I had some of those. Ack… may pagka-pilosopo din ako, kaya sometimes we clash sa classroom. Oh well… that’s life as a student. Woohoo… Ayami sure can be violent if she wants to. Rukawa was right when he said she was a descendant of Xena. Bwehehehe… Good job on this chap!
12/25/2002 c3 Shari
Ehehe… the “bets” thing was so Sakuragi Gundan-ish. They are so silly! Hehehe…

Wooohooo… I bet Ayami’s the only girl who dared to strangle “precious” Rukawa. I like the way you portrayed Sakuragi… so realistic. Bwehehehe… Another chap well done!
12/25/2002 c2 Shari
Bwehehehe… I hate Mondays, too… it means another week in school. too bad I don’t have basketball to motivate me in school… no, wait, I do! for PE anyway. Anywayz, nice chappie! Go Ayami! Great job telling off Mr. Rukawa. Bwehehehe… I don’t know anyone with first aid kits in their bags though. not even band-aids. Nice touch, though :)
12/25/2002 c1 Shari
Yo! This is a nice start… a sad one, yes, but nice nonetheless. You captured her being sad and lonely perfectly. Good start!
12/23/2002 c17 Shari da Idiotic Moron
waaaaaaaahhhhh! ang kawaii ng fic mo! my fave part was ayami's "flirting technique"... bwehehehehe... sorry for not reviewing earlier... i'm somewhat lazy when it comes to these things... pero hayaan mo, to make up, i'll review every single chapter mula chap 1... bwehehehe... ang cute talaga ng fic mo! (i think i already mentioned that)... so... newayz, til next time! can't wait for your next chap!
12/22/2002 c17 7blablahblergh

i'm your 100th reviewer!

yun lang...
12/22/2002 c17 blablahblergh

i'm your 100th reviewer!

yun lang...
12/21/2002 c16 blablahblergh
ang epal ni sendoh!


epal epal epal epal

joke lang!

12/21/2002 c17 epal sa buhay mo
y does the character resemble a mary-sue so much? |shudders|

well, anyway, even if it looks somewhat like a mary-sue, continue, ne?

12/19/2002 c17 micchan1
nyahahaha! i finished it!

hehe! i'm soo gud but it took me an hour!

darn! mataku, haba kc eh! ur fault! mwahahaha!
12/19/2002 c16 micchan1
finally! u have inserted akira in the fic!


*smile giggle laugh* :0
12/19/2002 c15 micchan1
hahaha! funny! kinda mushy!

mwahahaha! bad mitchi! ne?
12/19/2002 c14 micchan1
uhh, *sniff sniff* soo sad

told u i'm tryin'!
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