Just In
for ExtraOrdinary Love Quadrangle

3/8/2003 c21 3Tanya Montague
ack! naka-update ka pala ulit? gomen, didn't see this! sorry sorry sorry talaga SWEETIE!

newayz, nice chappie. right touches of humor and sweetness. ^_^

cge ha, gotta jet. antok na me. just wanted to tell you that i like this chap ^_^
2/24/2003 c21 renei
you finally uploaded, you slacker!

seriously liked this chapter. just a hint of mushy stuff between them. we should just exterminate rukawa altogether. gyehehehehehe.

anyway, i hope you upload the next chapter soon. as in soon. not like before? as in, like two months or something? nyaha. okay, fine, who am i to speak?

ayami should ask rukawa. 2 more wishes right?

1. a night with him in a plush resort in Hawaii.


2. naked pics!


oh man, i am so hentai. ::conks head:: sorry for that. signing off. before i further pollute your review page. ja
2/24/2003 c21 akira22

great chappie maemi-san!

*grins* 1st 1 in a rili long tym.

bt itz cool.*grins*

continue.story still interests me. aint so much of a love quadrangle

no more.=P


haf fun on mkin chappiez.ja ne.
2/24/2003 c21 unchained
MY! MY! Rukawa likes Ayami right? he's so damn slow.
2/23/2003 c21 1faithncourage
your fiction is so damm great..i'm so jealous..

but anyway you did a great job!
2/23/2003 c21 7Hibaku
*throws confetti and calls for stage crew to release balloons*


Great chp. I liked it. It's kinda, starting voer for them. A new beginning.


2/22/2003 c21 2dare mo nai
Ew! Ants! There's ants here! heheh..You're dealing with ants..*shudders*

Ne, Ru was in Japan's Youth. ^^

Gehhehe.If you write the how to kill Ru book, I promise to buy it! ~! Sawakita will buy it also!

Nyahahahha! Love the cockroach part! =P
2/22/2003 c21 Rheia

A new chapter!

You havent updated for so long. i think

Update soon anyway!

Yeah they're strating to be friends!
2/22/2003 c21 chalce
i don't think that rukawa is occ in fact i think he's one of the most in character rukawas i've read.pls do update soon.!

would really like to see how all this turns out :)
2/22/2003 c21 23White Meteor
Woo-hoo. That baka finally realized her feelings for Kaede and given up on Hanamichi. Since it's obvious no one can be as stubborn has Hanamichi.

NEways that keychain was sweet *S* I wonder what her 2nd and 3rd wish would be. I can imagine Kaede as an angel but him dress as a genie disturbs me.

Suddenly 3 OCs.

NEways I gotta go. Ciao
2/22/2003 c21 rj-chan
Ayame gave up on Sakuragi? well that was fast . just wanted to ask . then how is this gonna be a quadrangle?

Anyway this is so sweet! especially the key-chain part..I wish I could get sweet gestures like that instead of just lame pick-up lines. *sigh*
1/12/2003 c20 tensaispira
lalala. Just hanging bout waitin for my download to finish.

Nyahhahahahha! Ceh..none of you guys are online..T_T

Poor me..*sigh* on to another fic to TERRORIZE!
1/11/2003 c20 Mino1
oi, ang haba na pala grabe.yey sobrang sweet naman nila.^_^.harhar... naalala ko tuloy yung story na sinulat ko.sana mag update ka ulit.i'm dying to know what would happen to rukawa-kun.sheeesh i think im going to melt with that story.meron na nga palang sequel ang 'ame ga daikirai...ame ga daisuki' la lang sabi mo kasi inform kita.nasa chap5 pa nga lang ako.well basta galingan mo pa ang pagsulat para wala nang masabi yung kaawaawang bitch flamer mo.god,if she only knew how many people are pissed off with her right now.hehe buti na lang di ako nagsusulat nang fanfic kungdi baka nabiktima din ako at ako pa naman ang kind ng tao that does'nt respond well to critisism.newei,isip ka naman ng bagong story sa comics natin.para naman magamit natin ang genious mo sa pagsulat.hahahahahaha!
1/8/2003 c20 White Meteor
What? No Ayami for a month or 2? Noooo... *L*

One would think that Ayako has more morals than that even if Ryota and Mitsui doesn't. Looking at Kaede-kun's sheet of paper.

Can I guess what it is? I think it's that drawing that he ripped off Hanamichi's part, from her notes. So am I right? *S*

And I always wanted to ask, what's w/ the HOHUM?

NEways ja.

1/8/2003 c17 White Meteor
*L* This is great. AKIRA-KUN! *L* Y does she have such terrible nicks for Aki? Psycho-smiley? Even worst that bakemono.

I don't think Kogure sound OOC, not really NEways.

Though I tink U kinda portrayed Akagi OOC throughout this whole thing. U make it sound like he favors Kaede much more than Hanamichi and he sounds really bakaish. Isn't he suppose to be the smartest one on the team? But I find that funny.

NEways gtg. Read the last 3 chaps tonight.

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