Just In
for ExtraOrdinary Love Quadrangle

1/8/2003 c13 23White Meteor
Does Ayami like talking to herself? And the fact that they're laying together on the basketball ground and her saying “ Well, I just would like to tell you that it’s nice doing it again…arigatou.” is very... Ok, ok my hentai mind is working. *L*

NEways Y would Haruko say "Maybe he already realized that he’s not good enough for Ayami-chan!" She doesn't think Rukawa's good enough for her?

NEways next chapter
1/8/2003 c11 White Meteor

U REALLY can C more clearly when U're not in the picture, eh?

I mean Haruko can tell that Rukawa likes Ayami from a sigh and stare and yet she's oblivious to Hanamichi's love for her. And Ayami is oblivious that Rukawa treats her differently than NE1 else. Tsk-tsk

NEways onto the next chap, before FFnet stops working again
1/7/2003 c9 White Meteor
I found this chapter so sweet. *L* And their thoughts R interesting.

Very ungly guy? Kaede? I blame it on her drawing skills. *L*

NEways I just discovered I made some nonsense sentences. Apparently I have to have at least one sentence that doesn't make sense and 4 spelling errors. Go figures.

NEways, ciao.

Read more later
1/7/2003 c4 White Meteor
Ack dinner!

NEways I felt motivated to read this b/c of a certain's some's review.

NEways I really like it up to now. Although Ayami scares the crap out of me and she's mean to Rukawa but hey she seems nice enough to other ppl. But I like her. Weird, ne? Probably cause I loathe Usagi like characters I can like her.

NEways later. Yes I know that was my 3rd NEways. Oops 4

Ja. I'll finish reading it tonight or something.
1/7/2003 c20 10Yronhand
OOCness? Well, there is such a thing as change. Rukawa is doing just that, just like Sakuragi had changed from the beginning of the series to what he was in the end of it, at the inter-high.

I mean, they are human aren't they? Portraying them as constants is easy to do, but having them change, and develop realistically is harder. Not that hard, but harder, and something I appreciate. Excellent work, indeed. Keep it up, I'm enjoying it quite a lot, even if I'm a guy. Yes, I'm a guy reading a semi-romance fic, so what? And I'm straight...:p So there...^_^
1/7/2003 c17 Yronhand
New Reviewer, me? I suppose so.

This is nice, of course, as its been since the start. Unless I've said this, you have managed to keep your character flawed, and that's good. The moment she becomes perfect is when she becomes not human, which is "bad". Gah...I sound like a stupid schoolteacher here.

The only thing I find in the negative aspect is the formatting style, but nothing I can't deal with. Bear with me if I said this in my last review...Hopefully I haven't, but I have the bad feeling I have...

Oh, I just noticed that you're from UP. Haven't been there yet, even if our colleges are quite nearby.
1/6/2003 c20 6abcdelith
just read your entire fic spread over two days! i think it's really good, and you definitely should continue. rukawa was just a little ooc here, but hey, i understand! it's just so hard to keep him in character! =D

hope you update soon :)

to onehellofabitch, why don't you consider changing your name to onehellofaloser? i mean, you were born a loser, lived life as a loser and will die a loser. your grave will probably have the word loser scribbled all over it by your other loser friends, loser.

at the very least, keep your loser-ish mouth/hands/whatever you use to type in check and stop yourself from gibbering loser-ish nonsense! i mean, now your cover is blown - everyone already knows you're a loser. you've made your point. now get your loser ass out of here (oh, but i doubt you will! losers like you always like to stick around and make a complete ass of yourself.)

hey, that was just my suggestion ;)

~sincerely yours,

qianhui, aka someone who's cooler than you a thousand times over ;)
1/6/2003 c20 Guest

why don't YOU get a life eh?

i was just asking lambie what's a mary-sue...

and who said i reviewed her fic just because she was nice enough to give you encouragements?

don't think too highly of yourself ok?

you're such a pathetic coward...asking pity from everyone you know...yuck.

~sincerely yours,

onehellofabitch ;)
1/5/2003 c20 wawa-san
erm i feel hes a bit only ooc.

in my opinion though.

hope u will cont all the way till sannoh heh heh
1/5/2003 c20 Shari
“ Che! Seriously Miyagi, this behavior of yours makes me want to puke.” - i thought this was what the note contained. bwehehe... dumb of me, ne? especially since miyagi is rukawa's sempai. bwehehe. anywayz, nice chappie, arianne. :) woohooo! they're going to miss each other! kawaii!
1/4/2003 c20 rukawa no hime
hey! don't worry, i think rukawa isn't becoming OOC, ok? keep up the good work! i love your story (this 1) and the other one (BARF). ja!
1/4/2003 c20 19Whitesiren
My! My! That was funny! Rukawa finally admitted he'd miss her! Update soon! Is this going tobe A rukawa/Ayami? :)
1/4/2003 c20 micchan1
ah ok! she's sooo smat naman pala eh!

haha! anyway, talaga bang ndi siya sasama?

too bad!:( i wish you'd do somethin' para makasama siya!
1/4/2003 c20 unchained
WAAAAAIIIIII! smart smart rukawa!

sorry for reviewing so late, i had school...

oh, so that REALLY was the reason why she couldn't go? for some weird reason i thought she was lying and that there was another reason...ugh, gomen...i'm a bit weird...

1/4/2003 c20 2dare mo nai
Ru isn't ooc..

Serious..I mean, with th Hnm and u know. if he was ooc,

" DOn't worry my uh- nothing. I'll catch you and I'll never let you fall!"

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