12/31/2002 c19 Rheia
PLease update fast! It's getting ineteresting!
PLease update fast! It's getting ineteresting!
12/31/2002 c19 7Hibaku
this is a nice flame.
Kidding. Haha... How can flames be nice, dear? Okay. This chapter is short... *sobs* But nice. I like it. AAAAAHHHHH~~~ Why didn't you make Rukawa talk to Ayami more? WHy does he have to be so cold? Stupid boy!
Okay. Go Ayami. And go Maemi. (^_^)
this is a nice flame.
Kidding. Haha... How can flames be nice, dear? Okay. This chapter is short... *sobs* But nice. I like it. AAAAAHHHHH~~~ Why didn't you make Rukawa talk to Ayami more? WHy does he have to be so cold? Stupid boy!
Okay. Go Ayami. And go Maemi. (^_^)
12/31/2002 c11 unchained
this is sooooo sweeeeeeet...i loved Ru's and Ayami's scene so much...
this is sooooo sweeeeeeet...i loved Ru's and Ayami's scene so much...
12/31/2002 c10 unchained
i loved ayami's reason for making lunch for rukawa...*melts*
i loved ayami's reason for making lunch for rukawa...*melts*
12/31/2002 c9 unchained
this is sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet...really, really sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet...
this is sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet...really, really sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet...
12/31/2002 c6 unchained
i liked the part where ayako was introducing the guys to ayami.
and ayami and ayako shld just call each other aya-chan! yeah~.
i liked the part where ayako was introducing the guys to ayami.
and ayami and ayako shld just call each other aya-chan! yeah~.
12/31/2002 c5 unchained
i just adored sakuragi! BWAAAAAHAHAHHAHA! he's so ridiculously ridiculous...
i just adored sakuragi! BWAAAAAHAHAHHAHA! he's so ridiculously ridiculous...
12/31/2002 c4 unchained
ayami's really amusing! the descendant of Xena...muaaaahahahahahaha.
ayami's really amusing! the descendant of Xena...muaaaahahahahahaha.
12/31/2002 c3 unchained
i loved your sakuragi and ayami and haruko and rukawa scene! nyaaaaahahahhaa.
i loved your sakuragi and ayami and haruko and rukawa scene! nyaaaaahahahhaa.
12/29/2002 c18 Hibaku
wow. my ass hurts cuz i've been sitting down in the SAME position for, like, 9 chapters? ACK. this is good! well, the flamer down there is blind because this isn't mary-sue. a mary sue doesn't get angry so easily and a mary-sue isn't a xena and a mary-sue oh okay you get the pic.
ooc? never mind. this is a fanfic. it's okay. you're maemi, not Dr. T. So relax. Grammatical mistakes? VERY slight ones, yes. and most of the cahps are okay! But no really big ones... Readers can understand, it's enough. And trust me, your writing gets better and better! there are no grammar mistakes in some chapters, and some parts are really, really funny... (die, flamer, die!)
i like your fic. when are you gonna continue? hurry up... hehe. it's interesting enough to keep my eyes open.. my eyes are hurting because i've stared too long at the com. oh well. i gotta go now. ganbatte!
wow. my ass hurts cuz i've been sitting down in the SAME position for, like, 9 chapters? ACK. this is good! well, the flamer down there is blind because this isn't mary-sue. a mary sue doesn't get angry so easily and a mary-sue isn't a xena and a mary-sue oh okay you get the pic.
ooc? never mind. this is a fanfic. it's okay. you're maemi, not Dr. T. So relax. Grammatical mistakes? VERY slight ones, yes. and most of the cahps are okay! But no really big ones... Readers can understand, it's enough. And trust me, your writing gets better and better! there are no grammar mistakes in some chapters, and some parts are really, really funny... (die, flamer, die!)
i like your fic. when are you gonna continue? hurry up... hehe. it's interesting enough to keep my eyes open.. my eyes are hurting because i've stared too long at the com. oh well. i gotta go now. ganbatte!
12/27/2002 c18 renei
Dear onehellofabitch,
Is your speech over or can I finish my nap?
I just read your idiotic whiny-assed opinion of a review. And your completely irrelevant point is...?
Sweetie, you just wasted your whole time dissing half of the writers here in SD by saying we reviewed a fic because we are either too nice or too stupid.
How profound and observant of you, sweetie.
Next time, don’t even try putting my name in your review. We read this fic, because we like it, friends with the author or not.
It’s not the fic that is bullshit, what you said was bullshit.
Que tu es emmerdant, maudite vache.
Find out what that means, and go get a life.
And one last thing, sweetie, du gehirnloses stück primatenscheisse, you're a free thinker. Your thoughts just aren't worth anything.
I’m just a stupid reviewer,
By the way, maemi...
Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed.
- Mark Twain
Cheer up.
Dear onehellofabitch,
Is your speech over or can I finish my nap?
I just read your idiotic whiny-assed opinion of a review. And your completely irrelevant point is...?
Sweetie, you just wasted your whole time dissing half of the writers here in SD by saying we reviewed a fic because we are either too nice or too stupid.
How profound and observant of you, sweetie.
Next time, don’t even try putting my name in your review. We read this fic, because we like it, friends with the author or not.
It’s not the fic that is bullshit, what you said was bullshit.
Que tu es emmerdant, maudite vache.
Find out what that means, and go get a life.
And one last thing, sweetie, du gehirnloses stück primatenscheisse, you're a free thinker. Your thoughts just aren't worth anything.
I’m just a stupid reviewer,
By the way, maemi...
Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed.
- Mark Twain
Cheer up.
12/27/2002 c18 Shari
dear onehellofabitch,
Just a simple reply to your sincere flame.
To start with... You think her reviewers are all "nice" or "stupid"? i assure you, once i get done with this, you won't think her reviewers are just "being nice" or "stupid".
1. yes, we are entitled to our own opinions. free speech and all that. but that still doesn't give us the right to dis just about anyone for the entire world to read. so you think the fic is mary sue. fine, that's your opinion. but do you have to be reminded of the fact that not ALL mary sues suck big time? so what if the character is mary sue? if it's written nicely, who'll care about that? well, you, obviously, but the whole world doesn't have to think the same twisted way as you do. some people also notice the plot, setting, storyline, and other characters, not just the main one. all of us have been talking about "mary sues" and it has come to the point that we think ALL mary sues suck. give some credit to authors, will you? it doesn't have to suck JUST BECAUSE it's a mary sue.
2. if the chapters are too long, reviewers complain. if the chapters are too short, reviewers still complain. be thankful you CAN read. many people can't and many people would give limbs just to be able to read. you obviously CAN read and all you do is complain about your reading material. so what if the chapter is long? no need for obscenities in describing it.
3. the plot is so annoyingly predictable, you say? predict who she'll end up with, then. or IF she'll end up with anyone for that matter. it's a fanfic, for crying out loud! it's not some important literary piece you get to analyze letter by letter! it's a FANFIC! it's not meant to be taken so seriously. it's created for enjoyment, not for analytical dissection. and as for predictable plots, i wish you good luck on finding truly original plots that are truly unpredictable. everything is a rehash of something, in one way or another. we may know it is, we may not, but point is, with the number of stories written everyday, there's bound to be similarity and predicability. great minds think alike, and all that crap, but it happens, you know?
4. you don't have to give a damn about what she thinks. no one asked you to give a damn about it. and how else is she going to write a summary if she isn't going to think about her fic and what it is? what's your definition of "summary" anyway? i bet it's really profound that we mere mortals cannot comprehend, and you're the only one in this world allowed to give a damn about it.
5. now you're dissing how she thinks? wow, that's really mature and open-minded of you. writers have to pass your "title inspection" now? that's a new one. i never knew there was a "title inspector". but i guess that would be you, huh?
6. you also have the nerve to point out her grammatical errors. given the fact that most grammatical errors are typos. for example, "i" and "o" lie on the same plane on the gadget we know as a keyboard. one little slip of your dainty little finger could cause a grammatical error, the words "in" and "on" in question. you don't have to make it known to the readers that the author doesn't have a good grasp of the english language. not all of us speak english as a first language. heck, even those who speak english as a first language haven't completely mastered it. no one is perfect. and the only ones who pick on other people's shortcomings are those with hang-ups in their own lives and they need to make other people seem as imperfect as they are. it's a fact in psychology.
7. so what if she's "fishing" for compliments at the end of her fic? you don't have to bite the bait, you know. and we all "fish" for compliments, once in a while. so sue us. you'd better have a lot of money for that one for there are a whole lot of "fishermen" in this world.
you seem to be irritated with a lot of things. makes people wonder what's eating you. just because you're crabby doesn't mean other people have to suffer.
you must lead a very exciting life if the other fics here bore you. there are quite a lot of good fics here. but then again, maybe what we mere mortals without the complete grasp of the english language and we who do not microscopically analyze titles consider as good may not be good enough to meet your high standards. condolences for your dead appreciative side.
it's flattering to know that i passed your inspection, title and all, and that you consider my fic good, but you don't have to rely on my judgment if you check out other fics. after all, our reading and appreciating styles are quite different. i'm sorry you took a wrong turn and read this fic and i sincerely hope you find your way back to wherever it is you came from, where only perfect, non-mary sue-ish, creatively-titled fics exist.
and as for that remark that my reviews are "biased" because i may or may not be friends with the author was uncalled for. it's like you're questioning my integrity as a writer and as a reviewer. and why should you care why a fic received a particular number of reviews? why should you care who reviewed them? a fic could have a thousand reviews and half of them could be flames... would you find that "interesting" solely because of the number of reviews? a fic should be read based on your own judgment, and not because others judge it to be good.
yes, eliar did go deep into the subject of mary sue-ism. and yes, many authors may have been "hit right smack like that". but do you have to make it your business to take note which author reviews what and why? that must be really exciting for you.
you may think this "defense" is bull, you may think the fic is bull, but what the heck? free speech and i'm just replying to yours. she doesn't have to stop just because one sincere flamer tells her to. it's an author's prerogative whether or not he or she wants to end his or her bullshit.
we're not being stupid and we're not just being "nice". we review fics because we find it catchy and interesting, mary sue or not. and we don't think we're bestowing some "high grace" on authors just becuase we reviewed. it's just something we do because we want to do it.
this is it. for now.
very sincerely yours,
p.s. thank you for signing the review. it must be very easy to flame a fic when people could easily identify you. how brave and considerate.
dear onehellofabitch,
Just a simple reply to your sincere flame.
To start with... You think her reviewers are all "nice" or "stupid"? i assure you, once i get done with this, you won't think her reviewers are just "being nice" or "stupid".
1. yes, we are entitled to our own opinions. free speech and all that. but that still doesn't give us the right to dis just about anyone for the entire world to read. so you think the fic is mary sue. fine, that's your opinion. but do you have to be reminded of the fact that not ALL mary sues suck big time? so what if the character is mary sue? if it's written nicely, who'll care about that? well, you, obviously, but the whole world doesn't have to think the same twisted way as you do. some people also notice the plot, setting, storyline, and other characters, not just the main one. all of us have been talking about "mary sues" and it has come to the point that we think ALL mary sues suck. give some credit to authors, will you? it doesn't have to suck JUST BECAUSE it's a mary sue.
2. if the chapters are too long, reviewers complain. if the chapters are too short, reviewers still complain. be thankful you CAN read. many people can't and many people would give limbs just to be able to read. you obviously CAN read and all you do is complain about your reading material. so what if the chapter is long? no need for obscenities in describing it.
3. the plot is so annoyingly predictable, you say? predict who she'll end up with, then. or IF she'll end up with anyone for that matter. it's a fanfic, for crying out loud! it's not some important literary piece you get to analyze letter by letter! it's a FANFIC! it's not meant to be taken so seriously. it's created for enjoyment, not for analytical dissection. and as for predictable plots, i wish you good luck on finding truly original plots that are truly unpredictable. everything is a rehash of something, in one way or another. we may know it is, we may not, but point is, with the number of stories written everyday, there's bound to be similarity and predicability. great minds think alike, and all that crap, but it happens, you know?
4. you don't have to give a damn about what she thinks. no one asked you to give a damn about it. and how else is she going to write a summary if she isn't going to think about her fic and what it is? what's your definition of "summary" anyway? i bet it's really profound that we mere mortals cannot comprehend, and you're the only one in this world allowed to give a damn about it.
5. now you're dissing how she thinks? wow, that's really mature and open-minded of you. writers have to pass your "title inspection" now? that's a new one. i never knew there was a "title inspector". but i guess that would be you, huh?
6. you also have the nerve to point out her grammatical errors. given the fact that most grammatical errors are typos. for example, "i" and "o" lie on the same plane on the gadget we know as a keyboard. one little slip of your dainty little finger could cause a grammatical error, the words "in" and "on" in question. you don't have to make it known to the readers that the author doesn't have a good grasp of the english language. not all of us speak english as a first language. heck, even those who speak english as a first language haven't completely mastered it. no one is perfect. and the only ones who pick on other people's shortcomings are those with hang-ups in their own lives and they need to make other people seem as imperfect as they are. it's a fact in psychology.
7. so what if she's "fishing" for compliments at the end of her fic? you don't have to bite the bait, you know. and we all "fish" for compliments, once in a while. so sue us. you'd better have a lot of money for that one for there are a whole lot of "fishermen" in this world.
you seem to be irritated with a lot of things. makes people wonder what's eating you. just because you're crabby doesn't mean other people have to suffer.
you must lead a very exciting life if the other fics here bore you. there are quite a lot of good fics here. but then again, maybe what we mere mortals without the complete grasp of the english language and we who do not microscopically analyze titles consider as good may not be good enough to meet your high standards. condolences for your dead appreciative side.
it's flattering to know that i passed your inspection, title and all, and that you consider my fic good, but you don't have to rely on my judgment if you check out other fics. after all, our reading and appreciating styles are quite different. i'm sorry you took a wrong turn and read this fic and i sincerely hope you find your way back to wherever it is you came from, where only perfect, non-mary sue-ish, creatively-titled fics exist.
and as for that remark that my reviews are "biased" because i may or may not be friends with the author was uncalled for. it's like you're questioning my integrity as a writer and as a reviewer. and why should you care why a fic received a particular number of reviews? why should you care who reviewed them? a fic could have a thousand reviews and half of them could be flames... would you find that "interesting" solely because of the number of reviews? a fic should be read based on your own judgment, and not because others judge it to be good.
yes, eliar did go deep into the subject of mary sue-ism. and yes, many authors may have been "hit right smack like that". but do you have to make it your business to take note which author reviews what and why? that must be really exciting for you.
you may think this "defense" is bull, you may think the fic is bull, but what the heck? free speech and i'm just replying to yours. she doesn't have to stop just because one sincere flamer tells her to. it's an author's prerogative whether or not he or she wants to end his or her bullshit.
we're not being stupid and we're not just being "nice". we review fics because we find it catchy and interesting, mary sue or not. and we don't think we're bestowing some "high grace" on authors just becuase we reviewed. it's just something we do because we want to do it.
this is it. for now.
very sincerely yours,
p.s. thank you for signing the review. it must be very easy to flame a fic when people could easily identify you. how brave and considerate.
12/26/2002 c18 wawa-san
will be lousy if u dun finish it :P
like ypur chaptes becoz they're longgggggggg and funny
similar to ms renei's =D
will be lousy if u dun finish it :P
like ypur chaptes becoz they're longgggggggg and funny
similar to ms renei's =D
12/26/2002 c9 lambie
it's the next day, n i'm back. my eyes are fine now. hehehe.
i'm still enjoying myself with ur fic... i have to come back later to continue. and don't worry, it's not long, mine's much longer. hehehe... mata oashimashou~
it's the next day, n i'm back. my eyes are fine now. hehehe.
i'm still enjoying myself with ur fic... i have to come back later to continue. and don't worry, it's not long, mine's much longer. hehehe... mata oashimashou~