Just In
for A Demon in the Shadows

7/19/2024 c4 80YeagerMeister31
Interesting chapter let the carnage begin I have to say Yugao Uzuki is codenamed NEKO, not Rabbit. I am surprised u are having Kakashi/Inu as Yugao's student it's the other way around but oh well your story unless u are not having Inu be Kakashi which again is weird, liking Ino being different, I look forward to more, with Anko as his sensei missions should be interesting.

Kind of weird he's chaning by being in close proximity to Menma but oh well.
7/19/2024 c3 YeagerMeister31
So now the demon of the shadows enters the light, wonder how this will go, should have killed the emo shitstain oh well.
7/19/2024 c2 YeagerMeister31
Damn, Naruto wiping out the Uchiha that's a new one awesome they get what they deserve a clan of losers.
7/18/2024 c1 YeagerMeister31
Well, interesting start Minato's an idiot so hopefully Naruto kills him at some point, if not Kushina going by u saying she will be in the harem.
5/11/2024 c1 akhil4523
one of the worst fic i ever read
this s a haren without accepting it as a harem
and you show naruto good even when he fucks yugao
and how that yugao is considerate for hayte
and says its hayate fault to be rash he fcking loved ugao for years and all se did was giving pussy to naruto who already had fked 5 girls
You are suck shit
I would never read you sories
3/12/2024 c30 1elkenn
Didn't Menma only has the chakra? And if he also has the yin part, Naruto's yang part of Kurama should have known that Menma has his other half and won't mention Menma didn't ask for his permission to use his chakra...
12/7/2023 c43 1bibink729
8/9/2023 c20 Guest
All you write is just porn because that's what this and everything else you write is , pedo incest gangbang porn with no plot
8/9/2023 c1 Guest
This is shot and you are a pedophile
8/5/2023 c12 hephestusfirestone
why does Naruto and sai remind me of hidan and kakuzu
8/5/2023 c6 hephestusfirestone
I read the uncensored story in the last one it was pretty good
7/9/2023 c4 dr.frivolouslll
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo Why couldn't Ino be on the same team.
(I guess it would be too easy and the story would just speed up)
Good Chapter!
6/19/2023 c7 Guest
menuts fag lol
6/10/2023 c2 Username6166
So how does a 5 year old boy have a better vocabulary than most people?
5/11/2023 c11 OogwaysLotion
Lvl 99 Yakuza Boss
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