4/14/2023 c1 Guest
This chapter was amazing! Author-san really knows how to craft a story. The pacing was just right, with a good mix of action, dialogue, and reflection.
This chapter was amazing! Author-san really knows how to craft a story. The pacing was just right, with a good mix of action, dialogue, and reflection.
4/13/2023 c48 Featured Reader
another great chapter. Good to have you back. I wonder what will happen to Kurenai. Will Naruto meat her in Tanzaku? And I'm eager to see Naruto and Kisame fighting.
another great chapter. Good to have you back. I wonder what will happen to Kurenai. Will Naruto meat her in Tanzaku? And I'm eager to see Naruto and Kisame fighting.
4/11/2023 c48
1Adinda Carmilla
I thought it would be great story but it turned to be trash. I'm sorry, but I can't stand with alpha character who act like beta.

I thought it would be great story but it turned to be trash. I'm sorry, but I can't stand with alpha character who act like beta.
4/10/2023 c48 ForMyselfInTheFuture
Kurenai's fate isnt that bad? You made her a literal sex slave. You right in the head?
Kurenai's fate isnt that bad? You made her a literal sex slave. You right in the head?
3/30/2023 c2 Chakakakakakaka
This ain't the worst grammar I've seen, but God damn is it still dogshit tier. Also, Naruto sure is articulate for a five year old. Have you ever met a five year old? They're pretty fucking stupid mate, for an orphan that everyone hates he sure is educated enough to know a word like compassion.
This ain't the worst grammar I've seen, but God damn is it still dogshit tier. Also, Naruto sure is articulate for a five year old. Have you ever met a five year old? They're pretty fucking stupid mate, for an orphan that everyone hates he sure is educated enough to know a word like compassion.
3/24/2023 c48 Borello
nice work
nice work
3/24/2023 c48 Primarx
it really was a long time since update. a pity as I quite like the story. your reasons are understandable though.
it really was a long time since update. a pity as I quite like the story. your reasons are understandable though.
3/24/2023 c48 Blank Lord
I’m happy that this is still being updated. Easily one of my favorite fics on the site. I can’t wait to read more.
I’m happy that this is still being updated. Easily one of my favorite fics on the site. I can’t wait to read more.
2/21/2023 c41 Guest
Almost everyone in this story are OOC, and Naruto is a Complete shit, a weak asshole, the way he act, it make me think that, did you forget he trained under Danzo, then how the fuck is he getting angry at everything, and once the Orochimaru's soul is removed from curse seal, it will be destroyed, and it won't stay on a person. You completely ruined this fic for me, It got boring and trash after he went into coma. Minato won't act like that, even if it is a fanfic, at least give him a personality which close to canon.
Wtf with all those growling. Did he forget about his Rinnegan. Did he forget he is an Uzumaki. He didn't even have any Resistence seal on him to improve his speed. Only gravity seal is their. And you completely ignored his gravity Manipulation from his Rinnegan. Those fuckin Curse mark ain't shit, not even close to Kurama's 1 percentage power. You are overrating it. Kurama is the definition of sage Chakra. You are forgetting that he is a part of Tentails, where the Sage chakras Origin.
It pissed me off, when you said, Kurama didn't know about Sage mode. Dude he was a walking sage mode. He is the reason Naruto can enter sage mode with KCM instantly. He live more than 900 years. Do you think he wouldn't know about some Sage mode. And what's with those SO6P and Minato. He isn't even Sages Descendants, unlike Uzumaki, Senju and Uchiha. Then how the fuck did he get Gudodama. Dude it requires, all 5 chakra natures, including Yin and Yang. If you want to create a Gudodama, you have to posses all 5 elements, Yin and Yang chakra of the SO6P. You can't obtain them just because you mastered all 5 elements.
Even in Canon, Only person who can Create Gudodama without Rinnegan were Ashura and Naruto, who got SO6P Chakra from the sage. And he is the only person who has all 5 nature transformations, including Yin and Yang Releases. Unlike Hiruzen, Hashirama who despite being Ashura's reincarnate, didn't awakened the SO6P chakra. And MU the Tsuchikage. They don't have access to the Gudodama,
Almost everyone in this story are OOC, and Naruto is a Complete shit, a weak asshole, the way he act, it make me think that, did you forget he trained under Danzo, then how the fuck is he getting angry at everything, and once the Orochimaru's soul is removed from curse seal, it will be destroyed, and it won't stay on a person. You completely ruined this fic for me, It got boring and trash after he went into coma. Minato won't act like that, even if it is a fanfic, at least give him a personality which close to canon.
Wtf with all those growling. Did he forget about his Rinnegan. Did he forget he is an Uzumaki. He didn't even have any Resistence seal on him to improve his speed. Only gravity seal is their. And you completely ignored his gravity Manipulation from his Rinnegan. Those fuckin Curse mark ain't shit, not even close to Kurama's 1 percentage power. You are overrating it. Kurama is the definition of sage Chakra. You are forgetting that he is a part of Tentails, where the Sage chakras Origin.
It pissed me off, when you said, Kurama didn't know about Sage mode. Dude he was a walking sage mode. He is the reason Naruto can enter sage mode with KCM instantly. He live more than 900 years. Do you think he wouldn't know about some Sage mode. And what's with those SO6P and Minato. He isn't even Sages Descendants, unlike Uzumaki, Senju and Uchiha. Then how the fuck did he get Gudodama. Dude it requires, all 5 chakra natures, including Yin and Yang. If you want to create a Gudodama, you have to posses all 5 elements, Yin and Yang chakra of the SO6P. You can't obtain them just because you mastered all 5 elements.
Even in Canon, Only person who can Create Gudodama without Rinnegan were Ashura and Naruto, who got SO6P Chakra from the sage. And he is the only person who has all 5 nature transformations, including Yin and Yang Releases. Unlike Hiruzen, Hashirama who despite being Ashura's reincarnate, didn't awakened the SO6P chakra. And MU the Tsuchikage. They don't have access to the Gudodama,
2/20/2023 c6 Guest
You wanna explain why you are writing explicit scenes about children making out and having sex you dirty ass pedo
You wanna explain why you are writing explicit scenes about children making out and having sex you dirty ass pedo