Just In
for A Demon in the Shadows

2/5/2014 c20 5Generation Zero
Naruto is so evil...and i Love it.
2/4/2014 c19 The One in the Mask
the first thing i want to say is congrat to this fic. this fic is all around combination between lemon,story and fighting.

second thing is i just read a demon in the shadow spain version using google and quite suprise of what you do to kurenai do you really thing is necessary to put kurenai to brothel because i rather let her to become slave or something

third i don't understand what you planning to do with sakura, i see no reason to train her because naruto will defect from konoha and eventually will destroy the place so what the point to train her in cannon she decide to train with tsunade so she can save her precious sasuke and in this fic i found no reason to shift her crush from sasuke to naruto

i read the latest fic and you write that you will use narusaku pairing and i hope you just kidding around or google tranlate cannot probably translate the meaning and i hope the latter and what you planing with uzushio

thank for the fic and i waiting for the next chapter and good luck with checking your story and i hope you don't put this fic in long hiatus
1/30/2014 c19 7Floating Anemone
Oh man... I really hate cliffhangers! I can't wait for Naruto's match... well please update soon!
1/29/2014 c19 bloodbrother 18
. can't wait for the next chapter
1/29/2014 c19 2SuperSaiyanRose Connor
Good chapter
1/29/2014 c19 sadasdasda
keep up the good work
1/29/2014 c19 3Deathmvp
Great work on the fights in this chapter. I can not wait to see how you do with the rest of them.
1/29/2014 c19 Samm91
It was a good chapter. Can't wait to see, how Naruto and Anko's conversation will turn out. I was a bit disappointed, that Temari lost, but that is because I really like her :P
Keep up the good work!
1/29/2014 c19 JKing45
hey everyone needs some love just hope he still has some evil and wants to destroy konoha
1/29/2014 c19 5Generation Zero
This is getting more and more interestig
1/29/2014 c19 Takashi Komuro
Well your news is very depressing. I know how to read in Spanish, but I seriously don't don't want to do that.
1/29/2014 c19 3Newotouto
Keep 't say anything else
1/29/2014 c19 ImDarthVaderModaFuka
Man! You can't stop translating this! I beg you! Continue translating it!

This fic fucking rocks! You can't do this!
1/27/2014 c18 bloodbrother 18
can't wait for the next chapter
1/27/2014 c15 RikudoNaruto1
im guessing naruto will edo tensei kushina then revive her fully with the rinne tensei no jutsu
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