Just In
for A Demon in the Shadows

10/30/2013 c4 1Vengeful Astartes
I have trouble see how any kind o relationship could form between naruto and any Female member of the leaf.

Reasons being that Naruto wants to destroy the leaf village and hates nearly everyone inside the village... Also i can't see anyone liking naruto's attitude in anyway shape or form, they would have to be semi-retarded to do so. (Sakura with sasuke in canon)

I mean really it would be stupid and unrealistic. period.

I could see him forming some relationships with people whom hate the village as much as he does, or members of other villages though.
10/30/2013 c3 Vengeful Astartes
Well the story just got darker. Not sure i like this as much any more... I mean really the comment about defiling Sasukes mothers body was over the top... was it your intention to make your readers dislike your main character, i mean i don't mind people whom deserve it getting curb stomped but i think you have taken the whole dark naruto thing a bit to far... Unless that was your intention all along, in which case, i gotta say good job, i now really don't like this new "Demon" Naruto.
10/30/2013 c2 Vengeful Astartes
Oh yer, totally loving the story so far. Really looking forward to seeing what naruto gets up to once he leaves the village. XD
10/30/2013 c1 Vengeful Astartes
Liked the first chapter mate, really like rin'negan-naruto & trained by root-naruto stories, so im really looking forward to see what is to come XD.
10/30/2013 c13 dbtiger63
Ricky, you got a lot of explainin to do!(Lucille Ball show)

Very curious who the Kitsune is though Naruto has created several alliances, this cat is/has been building a serious organization. Danzou is an idiot in this FF and his current actions are only hastening his demise messing with one of Naruto's precious ones. Tsunade is always welcome and her return will cause much consternation once she falls for the young maverick especially once she finds out how Minato and the village have treated him. Not to mention allowing Danzou access to him.

The brain dump once completed you'd think would change Naruto just not sure which direction he will go now. The re-integration of Nami no Kuno with the island and then re-populate his land?



P,S, Large harem cool as long as it's handled properly. If he runs from them, doesn't use clones to help give them good attention or is so busy he sees them infrequently doesn't work.
10/30/2013 c13 Guest
supert history
10/30/2013 c5 1Googlemo
Maybe this story isn't halfbad, but I just don't like overpowered OOC Naruto, this is just not fun to read at all.
10/30/2013 c13 27redlox2
I think if you decide to make it a harem you should at ;least include Yugito and Fuu for Naruto since they had to suffer the "benefits" of being a jinchuuriki.
10/29/2013 c13 1RINNESHARINGAN
good chapter man...loved it...pls update the next chapter soon...i have a doubt will naruto have to practice the knowledge he got or will he be instinctually knowing it?
10/29/2013 c13 1God-ShadowEx100
alright please explain to the punk ass child who knows nothing about the Naruto series that the only reason the rest of those pathetic shinobi in the manga are even able to use the Kyuubi/Kurama's chakra is because Naruto has master the chakra and has befreinded Kurama so the harmful and negative side effects no longer exist but by all rights no one but an Uzumaki clan member can hold the Kyuubi/Kurama and if said dumb ass guess actually followed the entire anime/manga from the very begin of the Naruto series up until now he would find out that what i said is the truth only Uzumaki clan member can hold the Kyuubi/Kurama because of his harmful chakra.

apparently mister guess is to much of a dumb ass to actually know this because he has watch and or read every anime episode or manga chapter, so said guess needs to shut the fuck up and actually sign in so i can put his ass back in place with the real information on every god damn fact of said anime/manga and make him shut his immature punk ass mouth before i just track his ip address through the guess review he left and next time he calls me a dumb ass that is what will happen and his computer will end up destroyed after wards.
10/29/2013 c13 Volos
Menma Im not sure but absolutely no forgiveness for minato. Minato basically made naruto life heel for something he didnt have. He deserves no forgiveness.
10/29/2013 c13 Bladecraft
Good stuff but who is kitsune? Really liked it n I'm looking forward to a massive harem I mean its not a bad idea wat so ever!
10/29/2013 c13 Guest
You and God-ShadowEx are fucking are dumbasses. Read the damn manga and you will see that all of the shinobi are fine after being expose to the Kyuubi chakra.
10/29/2013 c13 GreyMan19
I don't mind mass harems as long as they give all of the members some light.
10/29/2013 c13 Gui Hawk
Glad someone is there to protect the Tsunami, and hopefully not get anything Danzou with his genjutsu. No way, that comes a large harem Naruto deserves.
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