Just In
for A Demon in the Shadows

9/20/2013 c6 screenfun2312
Either get a Beta, or stop writing this crap. Reading this story gives me brain cancer. Seriously.
If you want to improve your English, fine, take lessons, but dont hurt the world with your story.
9/19/2013 c11 Takashi Komuro
I say yes to adding Tsunade.
9/19/2013 c11 ImDarthVaderModaFuka
I really enjoyed this chapter. The lemon was great, and more what the girls did to have sex with Naruto.
The organization of Naruto was a cool and original idea. Keep it up. Until the next update.
9/19/2013 c11 Guest
Awesome update. Nice lemon.
And Gato is a pussy. Oh yeah, i can't wait to see what happens in Uzu.
9/19/2013 c11 AnimeA55Kicker
Awesome translation with very few errors for a not betaed story. Can't wait for kushina to come back to life. Minato is a dead man.
9/19/2013 c11 1firetemplar415
Yep add tsunade...but make it believable...pls.
Lol gato is such a boot licker.
9/19/2013 c11 sabery
What can you tell more about his organization and what him want to use his organization . Well Tsunade would be a great asseat to his harem and plans
9/19/2013 c11 the iriatation
I vote against having tsunade in the harem
9/17/2013 c10 2Ashabird it.
So realistic, so detailed that its almost like its a part of the real story, not a fanfic. Please keep updating I can't wait to see what happens when naruto meets garra
9/14/2013 c7 Guest
I swear that if Naruto is forced to forgive that son of a...
Btw, you translated your story ? Damn, that's a good job.
9/13/2013 c10 ImDarthVaderModaFuka
Cool Chapter. Waiting for the next one, and tell to your beta reader to recover soon.
9/12/2013 c9 Ski-en
Awesome story though some of your lines are abit confusing and incomplete, seriously I don't know if you review your work or not cause you need to see if the sentences make sense or not.. And in chapter 4 during Naruto and Lee's fight when Lee removed his weights, Naruto's surprised by his speed and say's that even he's not that fast; first of all its known that Lee with weight off his speed is around Mid-High Jounin and when he opened his Gates even the Jounin's have a hard time, so saying that Naruto wasn't that fast was kind of disappointing I know Naruto's been ignoring his Taijutsu's but he should have been able to match that..
9/9/2013 c10 1RINNESHARINGAN
awesome cchapter the story again...i would love to see how naruto learns to use sub elements and which all can he use?
9/9/2013 c10 Delta3950
Tell your Beta I hope she gets better I know what it's like having a broken limb(except in my case I was doing this stamina exercise Killers I think is what they're called, in case I've got the name wrong the exercise starts like this with a group of ten the one in back races to the front and sets a pace that the others have to follow while the next one in back has to rush to the front of the line and so on and so forth. I was in the middle of said exercise when the jerk behind me deliberately gave me a "flat Tire" I've always believed I had a fractured wrist but since my arm up to inches or so above my elbow had to be in a cast it's possible my forearm {Ulna I think is the bones name} is what got fractured{I'm told a fracture is still a break so yea} and they are no bloody fun not in the least.
9/8/2013 c10 6The Faceless Wordsmith
I love it Naruto the saboteur now? A perfect way to end the chapter with the clone insubordination with another in comical fear. Ready for the next chapter.
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