Just In
for A Demon in the Shadows

9/8/2013 c10 Guest
supert history
9/8/2013 c10 ChibakuNaruto
finally Minato being somewhat feeling guilty, maybe have Naruto battle Orochimaru in the forest by beating him so badly and letting him escape.
9/7/2013 c2 19RandomWriter21
Got done reading what you have so far and I have enjoyed it immensely and hope to see an update soon.
8/27/2013 c9 ImDarthVaderModaFuka
Wooow, Gato and Naruto? This is brilliant. This is the best fic that i ever read, I created my account today, but I already read your fic, since I decided to make this account to add this story to my favorites.
Keep it up with the good work.
8/27/2013 c8 ImDarthVaderModaFuka
This chapters got a few english errors, but I could understand everything
8/27/2013 c7 ImDarthVaderModaFuka
Nice! Neji and Naruto are friends, I'm loving this chapter :D
8/27/2013 c6 ImDarthVaderModaFuka
Hmmm, Lee, he's an idiot.
8/27/2013 c5 ImDarthVaderModaFuka
Love this chapter, nice lemon, don't worry about your english, is pretty good.
8/27/2013 c4 ImDarthVaderModaFuka
Fucking Sasgay, I hope that his ass get raped soon
8/27/2013 c3 ImDarthVaderModaFuka
Fucking Uchihas, i'm glad that Naruto killed them all, fucking cock suckers.!
8/27/2013 c2 ImDarthVaderModaFuka
nice chapter
8/27/2013 c1 ImDarthVaderModaFuka
8/24/2013 c9 3reapertmn3
It's an interesting concept
8/23/2013 c9 Zatarra12345
8/23/2013 c4 3wooden farts there on the go
Why do you have no beta for this story? It's a good story but I fear that with all its grammar errors I will not be able to read it all the way through. When typing you should leave two spaces after a period not just one. I also wanted to ask about that gravity element. how does it interact with other gravitational fields? How does it interact with time, and space? Are you familiar with Einsteins theory of special relativity?
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