Just In
for A Demon in the Shadows

8/12/2013 c8 BrainII
Disappointed that the gay Uchiha is alive despite the fact that he broke the law. Not surprised that cocksucker hypocrite Kakashi doesn't even punish the gay Sasgay
8/12/2013 c8 12Gold Testament
Get a beta.
8/12/2013 c8 Guest
supert history
8/12/2013 c8 4Assassin of War
Hell to the should definitely put Tsunade in the Harem...but the only way that I would think to rejuvenate her would be to use the Onmyōton(Yin-Yang release). Since the Henge no jutsu is a non-elemental attack it falls under the molding of the physical and spiritual energy of the body, which is the Yin and the Yang. And as you know it takes chakra control to perform this technique and since your Naruto has the Rinnegan he already has perfect charkra control so he can create an either more powerful henge for her or he can literally use his eyes(rinnegan) to cast the Yin-Yang release on her and make her young again...either option works for me. hope that I was able to help you somewhat.
8/12/2013 c8 5War Sage
great chapter...
8/7/2013 c7 TheDarkSide
Nooooooooooooooooo, please Update soooooon!
Goddammit, i wish i could read spanish!
8/7/2013 c6 TheDarkSide
Hmmm, okay, now Lee hates Naruto cuz he killed his friend.
Lee... you are stupid
8/7/2013 c5 TheDarkSide
OMG! This chapter was sooooo coool, looool, naruto fucked Anko in the F of D lulz, lucky bastard
8/7/2013 c4 TheDarkSide
Hahahaha, stupid sasgay, this chapter was so funny xD
8/7/2013 c3 TheDarkSide
wow, naruto sure knows how to do the things
8/7/2013 c2 TheDarkSide
This is a good fic, you are doing it well
8/7/2013 c1 TheDarkSide
Cool prologue
8/4/2013 c8 NarutoRikudou16
7/25/2013 c3 27redlox2
the Rinnegan powers far surpass the Sharingan, and the devekloped Magekeyo (and even "Enternal"_ Sahrigan variations...
7/24/2013 c6 Phamiey01
Loving the fanfic so far :D Keep up the good work!
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