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for Always a problem

11/5/2013 c8 Guest
Rose we'll have a hart to hart with. Christen and it we'll be nice and sweet then Dimitri we'll walk in and they will insult each other like always. And Roses doctor has a thing for her BIG time! I can't wait for Rose and or Dimitri puts him in his place:)
11/3/2013 c1 Guest
Thanks for FINALY updating,looking forward to more:)
11/2/2013 c7 RozaBelikova-x
Aww, loved the ending. So sweet :)
11/2/2013 c7 2Mrs.belikov3369
love it :)
10/26/2013 c6 Angel
I LIKE. IT :) but why let her get shot again?
10/26/2013 c6 Guest
Dam straight you make a long one. You've got Rose practically on her death bed... Let's face it she's not gonna die know that... From what I've read and with Her luck she will probably end up pregnant. And don't you dear skimp on the fluffy bits or the romantic scenes I'm a love junkie:)
10/21/2013 c5 Guest
Why is there still no update to this!?
10/19/2013 c5 Guest
Ahhhhh! How could you leave me hanging like that I mean we all enjoy a good rosé is about to be killed story but you can't just leave her on death row like that x.x update the chapter already and don't be afraid to give some fluffiness! Love the lovey fluff scenes 3.3
10/13/2013 c5 32Ahalia4U
Eekkkk love it! Rose should live, we can't have rose die!
7/3/2013 c3 11RozaBelikova-x
Great! :)
5/29/2013 c2 RozaBelikova-x
Nice chapter! Maybe you could do a DPOV when Rose and Lissa are at school?
5/27/2013 c2 2SadisticallyDelicious
I vote for just Rose's pov. Loved the new chapter, update soon! :D
5/22/2013 c1 SadisticallyDelicious
Very intriguging! Please update this story!
5/22/2013 c1 11RozaBelikova-x
Great work! :) Thank you for mentioning me.
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