Just In
for Bruised and Battered

6/22/2013 c4 5Angelo del Cielo Nero
poor Ikuto force to marry someone he doesn't like and Amu doesn't have a younger sister(Ami) in this story right?
6/22/2013 c4 10Star Amulet
Poor ikuto and please update
6/19/2013 c3 SSLOVER568
great job! plz finish it!
6/19/2013 c1 SSLOVER568
nice one... so her dad killed her mom or what? sorry, i got a bit confused...
6/20/2013 c3 MusicJustBeLikeThat
I love this story! Please continue!
6/18/2013 c3 Animelover713164
I'm happy that am us luck is better at lest for now
5/29/2013 c2 5Angelo del Cielo Nero
Her father is so mean, but I'm wondering what happened to her sister
5/27/2013 c1 Angelo del Cielo Nero
very interesting story *nods with impressed face* keep it up
5/26/2013 c1 15WALRUSvsUSA
pretty good!
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