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for POTC Romance!

7/16/2017 c15 2123Ekaterina
Please continue this fanfition. It is both hilarious and captivating. And I cannot wait for the romance between Cutler Beckett and Bridgette to unfold.
6/6/2017 c7 4anxlah
I havent read the remaining chapters yet, oviously, so idk if youre just doing "The Curse Of The Black Pearl", but I already imagine how jealous Megan would be in "on stranger tides", Because Jack is Kind of "interested" in Angelica xD that would be so funny to read... or maybe Angelica would be jealous...? Also, do you just know the dialogue by heart or do you like watch the movie while writing this? Btw, I LOVE Megan, shes so funny and I just generally really like how you wrote Bridgette and Megans characters. Its such an interesting mixture of Comedy and Action and romance and I love it!
This is certainly the first fanfiction I love and enjoy reading that doesnt have an Angelica and Jack love Story in it, so you did a great Job! :) Thank you soooooo much for taking your time to write this, you made the day of a lot of People and I personally really appreciate that. I just laugh so much when reading this xD Omg, this Review was so looong xD congratulations, if youre still reading this, Ill go now ;)
6/5/2017 c2 anxlah
I still cant stop laughing at the "OH MY GOODNESS, I LOVE YOU!" xD Megan is so me xD I think I would have fainted and then woken up and died if Jack was standing next to me. And FINALLY SOMEONE WHO HAD A SIMILAR IDEA TO MINE! xD I though I was the only one alive who had written such a fanfiction. Love it, so far :)
5/23/2017 c14 3sweetheartcat5
If you guys are in the habit of updating annualy then you're overdue.
3/23/2017 c1 Guest
Please write more I love it
11/3/2016 c2 Ushallnotpass
I'm so dead I haven't laugh that much since a loooooong time thank you so much
4/5/2016 c14 Dragongirl180
Woohoo! That was an awesome chapter! :)
9/11/2015 c13 ImAGuest
Where us the rest of it?! Are you trying to kill me?! Update please please please please :'(
Oh and more james if you don't mind :)
8/23/2015 c13 2123Ekaterina
okay, you gotta update. i can't wait till beckett shows up. plz update.
7/13/2015 c12 1isagrecia
Please continue uploading more chapters!
6/22/2015 c13 Helen
Omg! I just read all the characters and i have to say i wont mooooore! The story is amazing. Although i saw the last chapter was published in 13 but i do hope you will publish more :)
6/21/2015 c13 isagrecia
I absolutely love your story, I have been laughing so hard that I just can't control myself. I really like the witty dialogue. Keep up the good work.
6/9/2015 c2 Guest
I think the story is very clear...
So sad that's not the real story..

Love it
6/9/2015 c1 Guest
okokok love it
6/5/2015 c3 PoTC-Girly
Ohh nooooooo...! Where is chapter 3? I'm dying of laughter here! But chapter 3 is not there or my pc or internet is broke :C
Btw Loooovvvveee your story plz keep it up :D
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