Just In
for Shattered Blade

5/3/2024 c12 HeartlessAlpha
Please tell me Shirou kills Haruka and his Sekirei for having the gull to try leaving town and putting Minato's safety at risk. Or at least make them pay for their blatant disregard for the rules that Shirou is working so hard to change for the better. Because why should they get a happy ending when every Sekirei and (some) Ashikabi are fighting for their lives for it? I hope when we get to the bridge, the outcome will be different than it is in canon.

Also will Shirou meet Chiho and help with her condition?
5/3/2024 c12 1SentinalSlice
I really liked Shirou’s badassery in this chapter. And the planning between him and pops was super fun to read. I wonder if Minako felt any parental proudness?
It’s cool to see that we may be getting more magecraft involved.
And I liked the little flashbacks Shirou had when it came to Sakura.
4/23/2024 c11 Keldor
So it turns out email alerts were made opt in and they now disable themselves after 90 days making you have to renew them. That's the bad news. The good news is that I have multiple chapters of this story to catch up on. It's good to see this still updating because I am a big fan.
4/8/2024 c11 Im a guest
Me reading that last sentence. Yasss slay queen lmfao. Yukari out here living her best life.
3/30/2024 c7 6Boar Rushes Down The Mountain
Watching Shirou tank his relationship with Homura right away by saying stuff that contradicts the romantic view of "every Sekirei deserves to find their destined one out there in the world" because he knows about magi and knows how dangerous the world is for aliens... well, it was entertaining. Kochou's POV was great, and Yukari was unhinged as hell. Man, what an exciting update!
3/27/2024 c11 shadyxlr
Damn this made me laugh a hell of a lot when I realized I never finished the chapter. I came back to reread it and it just killed me when I realized I forgot to read the second half of it when I got interrupted. Can't wait to see the fallout happen from the winging lol
3/27/2024 c11 Sorlian
Yukari is so unhinged.

Though confirmed other magus involved now. Poor Kochou.
3/26/2024 c11 grant.walker581

love the story and cant wait for more!
3/24/2024 c11 4dawnwatch
Well is it now time to hope Shiroe becomes the NTR hero we believe in and save 22.

Also great chapter. Good characterization and beautiful action slop. Good work.
3/24/2024 c11 Dragish
Yukari is a trip. I absolutely love her in this chapter
3/23/2024 c11 1Trapdere
Have I mentioned how much I love the fights being short and to the point? If not, then here it is. I absolutely love it when onesided shitstomps actually feels like onesided shitstomps. No matter how flashy or how many other POV characters sits there amazed, nothing hammers the point in as hard as the fight ending in 3 sentences.
3/23/2024 c11 38kyugan
Well, it's official, Yukari just got Shiina killed.
3/22/2024 c11 AktheRuiner
Great chapter, bro. I'd argue it's your best one yet. There was a lot going on.

It was nice to see Minato be more proactive and motivated than I remember in the early days of cannon. Good on you for not making him just a minor side character who plays a more passive role like I've seen other stories do. That said, I enjoyed the Takami pov this chapter. Getting to see Shirou and his Sekirie through her eyes was interesting and amusing. Her view of Akitsu was sobering and did a good job of showing the history between Takami and Akitsu. Flashbacks of the plan from Takami's pov also had some interesting implications. Good stuff.

I was surprised to see a Kochou pov this chapter, but in a good way. I'm definitely interested to see what you have planned with her. Personally, I'm hoping Shirou can help her in a way that doesn't involve her termination by association with Higa, but time will tell. Also interested to see what happens with Tsukiumi as well.

Oh, and you write the best Yukari hands down.

Thanks for writing.
3/20/2024 c1 Guest
This is a self insert your self insert not emiya do better
3/20/2024 c11 E
Fantastic chapter, really. I think this is a good middle ground (in terms of main character brutality) between In Flight and Fear the Superhero, which means I like it a lot. Most of the issues of In Flight are avoided, and the plot is a little less gloomy than FtS's (as much as I adore that story and its absurd murder-love, it is utterly grim and everyone dies horribly). Good action here and it still feels like most of my favorite characters might be alive at the end of the story.

I await more, as always.
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