Just In
for Shattered Blade

1/3 c16 Wraith of Shadow
Kochou needs an application of Rule Breaker, ASAP.
1/3 c16 4DarkJackel
Between Uzume, Minato, Yukari and the later two's Sekirei I can see multiple ways this could blow up and it is a telling indictment that Akitsu might not have been the worst choice for the mission. Personally, I hope that Uzume goes into this believing she is trading her life to spare Chiho's just to find out this is about treatment options. As for Minato and Yukari's response, even the question of coordinated action would be up in the air. Of course one alternative would be to split efforts while using the opportunity to get Haruka and Kuno out as the Disciplinary Squad will be busy.
1/3 c16 GrandSaberEMIYA
Always glad to see an update here!
1/3 c16 Bookmarkjda
I almost get genuinely mad every time a chapter ends
1/2 c16 PasiveNox
Thanks for the great wonderful chapter
1/2 c16 AktheRuiner
Yeaaaah... I'll admit that I'm not sure if Akitsu's social skills are up to par for the mission she's undertaking here. I could picture her walking up Izumo and handing off the picture with absolutely zero (or too little) context lol. Especially since Shirou wasn't all that detailed in telling Akitsu what to say/do when she gets to Izumo... Just to drop off the picture. I look forward to seeing how this all pans out... I'm sure there won't be any misunderstandings, haha. Especially after what Minato said about Shirou earlier.

I really liked the banter and the dynamics between Shirou and his Sekirei this chapter. It was good to see them learn more about Shirou's past and see him actually relax during the hug. The hug scene was really well done btw. There are a lot of little details that I appreciate as well. Simple things, like Karasuba taking the rest of Shirou's tea for example. Those kind of details really help bring the story to life imo.

I'm glad to see Shirou knows for sure that Higa is up to no good. I really hope he manages to help Kochou. The fact that she can still manage to work against the interests of her Ashikabe is impressive even with the abuse she's suffering.

Lots to look forward to. Thanks for writing.
1/2 c16 4Decrement
A very well written and thoughtful review. Im so good at this!
1/2 c16 The Prophet Of Lies
Loving both versions of this!
1/2 c16 BlakeT1996
great update! this is really getting intersting. keep it up!
1/2 c16 NineYetis
Happy new year!
Excellent chapter! Your doing a good job developing the dynamic between the Sekire and the Ashikabi.
1/2 c16 Temsen
Yeah. There's nothing that could go wrong when Uzume sees that picture...
1/2 c16 1neogoki
And Higa manages to fall even deeper, seriously when you hit rock-bottom do NOT start digging!
But at least this way Shirou has a hole handy to hide the remains.

Shirou has become the Rin to Chiho's Shirou, oh sweet, sweet karma.
All that is missing is Rin herself to point it out with her most trollish grin.
1/2 c16 Gwwynblaid
The fact that Shirou didn't even think about how it would seem to Uzume when she got the picture of her Ashikabi with him in it delivered is great. Can't wait for the shitshow that will cause.
1/1 c16 REYZERO
no hay mejor forma de iniciar el año que con otro capitulo de esta grandiosa historia, feliz navidad y felices fiestas espero que tengas un gran año lleno de dinero, salud e inspiración para continuar con esta historia
1/1 c16 Mirrimont
Thanks for a great chapter. Have a great holiday.
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