Just In
for Shattered Blade

10/23/2024 c15 Guest
Great chapter! The only other feedback I have is that I lost track of Karasuba at the end (was she silent and near Shirou, was she covering the exit of the cargo hold, did they split up, etc.).
10/24/2024 c15 7NightBringer325
I feel both Minaka and the unnamed Magus are not giving Shirou enough credit when it comes to digging himself into trouble and the dude should have destroyed the crate cause now he's going to be on the warpath in MBI especially as they went after something very closely related to the Grail War as far as he's concerned.
10/24/2024 c15 ImNotAWeeb64101
Ive been loving this story so much! I loved the squabble Rin had with the girls and hope she makes an appearance at some point. Cant wait to see what happens next!
10/22/2024 c15 E
Dope chapter.

I await more, as always.
10/23/2024 c15 Dudtheman
epic things are heating up
10/23/2024 c15 kyurega
Great chapter. However, I am concerned about the rewrite project going on rn. So you’re making a rewrite at the same time that you update the original? How’s that work? Are you writing these chapters with the rewrite in mind? Are you gonna end up rewriting even these more recent chapters? Are these chapters just gonna get folded into the rewrite fic?
10/23/2024 c15 Temsen
"That was… less than ideal, but I could salvage this."
He could fuel a new Reality Marble with that with that delusion, lol.

Things are.. happening. And Shirou's got only scraps of information it feels like.
10/22/2024 c15 3EveryNameIwantHasBeenTaken
Karasuba got a slap of reality.
10/22/2024 c15 PasiveNox
Great chapter wonderful
10/22/2024 c15 ArashiNokitsune
safe to say things got more worse and more complicated and considering the Fate series how long before something to do with magic backfires and something borderline apocalyptic drags everyone in...
10/22/2024 c15 pietrodeglie
Well, things got even more complicated.
Nice chapter.
10/22/2024 c15 1SentinalSlice
Why didn’t Shirou take the Zouken book? I imagine he was one of the ones who dismantled the place in Fuyuki.
The binding to oneself mechanic probably has some interesting effect when combined with the fact that Sekirei bind themselves to their Ashikabi via a kiss. Is he planning on getting Sekirei or something?
Its also a bit similar to how the Matou required Sakura to get Bodily fluids to survive as well.
I think it’s funny that they don’t think Shirou’s “magic”/magecraft is real. When’s he’s now just revealed to them that Vampires exist too. But they are thinking too condescendingly, that all the strangeness on Earth had to come from them, when they are completely wrong.
It’s interesting that this magus seemed to think that he could take on Shirou, I guess it just goes to show that UBW is still hidden from everyone.
I was really happy to see Rin actually get some time in this chapter.
10/22/2024 c15 NineYetis
Felt bad for Haihane but think it was good for Shirou to hear.

She also needs a power up if Akitsu and Karasuba are getting them.
10/22/2024 c15 Im a guest
Ah boy time to lock in
10/22/2024 c15 Shikyo no Kyoufu
As soon as dead apostles enter I know shit is only going to get worse.
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