Just In
for Shattered Blade

5/30/2013 c1 7Frosty Wolf
Interesting so far. Will Shirou wing Sekirei outside of Minato's, or will he snag a few for his own harem?

Wither way, update soon please.
5/30/2013 c1 Zombie Overlord
Lol, great story so far. Unlike those other "inspired by In Flight" stories your story is wholly unique. You made Shirou his own character rather than being Minato and you followed the fate/stay night continuity rather unlimited blade works. Something I find fascinating and I really hope you post up a new chapter soon.
5/30/2013 c1 alex.rushing.5
Interesting. Lets see how you go about this.
5/30/2013 c1 1The One True Slacker
More! MOre! MORe! MORE! Heh Heh Heh...
5/30/2013 c1 1cj1of4
Like you said this is definately based off of GB's "In Flight." So far the differences I've noticed are Minto not being replaced, Shirou being on better terms with the Clock Tower, MBI is being careful with Shirou, and Karasuba might already be reacting to him. Did I miss anything major? Anyways, I'm looking forward to seeing how your story will differ from "In Flight"
5/30/2013 c1 karthik9
It is excellent chapter.I look forward to future updates.
5/30/2013 c1 4Zaralann
Nice chapter and nice start! I hope you'll update soon!
5/30/2013 c1 TitanX7
The story is really well written. The spelling is great and so far the story is really good. The only issue I have with it is that story is centered so it harder to read, maybe you change that in the future so it could be easier to read.
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