Just In
for The Lesser of Two Evils

3/9/2014 c1 14amir.alexander.315
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks her name should have been Athena!
7/1/2013 c18 4TARDISRose
Aww... I'm sad it's over. This was a really good fanfic, though! I loved it! Great job!
7/1/2013 c17 TARDISRose
Are Peeta and Athena going to accept Hope, Sarah, and David as their own children? I can't wait to read the next chapter!
7/1/2013 c16 TARDISRose
Aww... They're happy!
7/1/2013 c15 TARDISRose
Yay! President Snow is gone! Athena is so smart. I want to be smart like her...
7/1/2013 c14 TARDISRose
I'm on the edge of my seat. I can't wait to find out what happens!
7/1/2013 c13 TARDISRose
Yeah, Athena! You send that old man off! Be with your true love!
7/1/2013 c12 TARDISRose
Yay! Peeta and Athena are together! I'm so glad!
7/1/2013 c11 TARDISRose
Yes! It's all starting! I love your writing style!
7/1/2013 c10 TARDISRose
Yay! Their tongues are back! They can speak!
7/1/2013 c9 TARDISRose
They're going to get their tongues back? Hooray!
7/1/2013 c8 TARDISRose
Yay for Athena! I'm so glad that she decides to spark a rebellion!
7/1/2013 c6 TARDISRose
You go, Athena! I'm so glad that she stood up to them!
7/1/2013 c5 TARDISRose
How...dare she? Why would she hit him? Another great chapter.
7/1/2013 c4 TARDISRose
Poor Katniss and Peeta. :( It's not fair for them to be treated like that. You're a great writer, by the way.
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