Just In
for One Mistake

8/12/2013 c1 C8H7N3O2
D'aawww! 3
6/20/2013 c1 Kari K'sri
Loved It! Super-Cute. : )
6/11/2013 c1 mercury
Aw! Thanks!
6/8/2013 c1 uzumaki misaki
Aww that was so cute! I just saw Into Darkness on Thursday so I get the hint now. XD Great job! Perfect!
6/6/2013 c1 59MirrorFlower and DarkWind
hahahahah that was good i loved it
6/4/2013 c1 wotumba1
good story, glad they finally managed to clear that up
6/2/2013 c1 4Charlotte Haddix
Very cute. I have a lot of feelings from Into Darkness. Nice to see you're doing new stuff.
6/2/2013 c1 21OxymoronProne
I greatly enjoy this! However, I believe you should take a look at the last two lines. They make no sense to me.

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