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for Petrova

5/20/2014 c18 Muse
Read the entire story under 2 hours. I admit it.. you have managed to impress me with the plot line, your excellent writing, and there are a lot of content and plot twists to comtemplate with. Although I don't like the idea of reading stories with original characters, you've made it in such a way they don't really stand out from the original tvd characters but help move the plot along. I hope you update soon. I really enjoyed it.
5/20/2014 c18 guest
great awesome chapter! i love the elena and katherine scenes and damon adn stefan. noah is pretty interesting too but man i realize theres a lot of ocs tho it isnt a bad thing!
im wondering what will happen with damon and just about everything else tha ts happening. PLS UPDATE SOON!
5/10/2014 c18 24MsDreamer93
Great chapter, I love Damon, being still himself, also Katherine, you're portraying her character very well, looking forward to more chapters.
3/23/2014 c17 guest
Wow, i like this past story. Its good and keeps me interest :) please update soon!
3/23/2014 c17 MsDreamer93
Amazing chapter Noah's story is very interesting, by the way is he still a werewolf or just a draug, I wonder if those werewolf from Noah past are related with Lockwoods, can't wait for more
3/9/2014 c10 guest
Wat? Dead? No your psyching uus out right
3/9/2014 c5 3Brightlikethestars1864
so wait Silas and Irena were entombed I'm very confused why isn't she showing that she is Irena
3/9/2014 c16 Annonymouseee
they're siblings? whatt? are the dreams Katherine and elena get flashbacks? or is there be more to it? like when katherine saw stefan get rescued... are you going to do any pairings eventually? I like stelena too
3/9/2014 c1 guest
3/9/2014 c16 24MsDreamer93
Interesting chapter, of course Katherine escaped, she's survivor after all, though I wonder what about Elena. Another doppelanger, interesting. Also, I can't wait to see flashbacks and find out more about Noah and Irina.
P.s. I read on Polish forum that some people believe that this dark void or whatever it is could be actually a way to show us Katherine again. Unlike The Other Side, the dark void has no any rules or at least we don't anything about it. There are some people, who thinks that maybe Marcos has something to do with it or maybe this is the place where Amara's doppelanger are going to after their deaths. Of course these are all only assumptions and Katherine could be indeed gone for good. However, now when I'm thinking about it, it's kind of weird. Why Caroline Dries or someone else decided to send Katherine there? To show children that for bad bad deeds you will go to hell? Well, if that's the case then people like Mikael or Kol also should go there. I'm still going to watch the show, since it would be hard for me just simply stop watching it after all these years.
3/7/2014 c4 3Brightlikethestars1864
This is amazing
3/7/2014 c3 Brightlikethestars1864
3/6/2014 c2 Brightlikethestars1864
3/6/2014 c15 Guest
Interesting story! As a huge Kelena shipper I'd love to have them falling for each other while trying to solve this situation but I guess that won't happen? :S
3/5/2014 c1 Brightlikethestars1864
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