Just In
for Petrova

3/5/2014 c15 24MsDreamer93
Great chapter, you are portraying both Katherine and Elena very well, the conversation between Tyler and Isaac was interesting and I can't wait to find out more about the werewolves. I also like Damon-Stefan scene I cannot help it but think that Jack and his family are not typical family and they are hiding something, but well I'm probably wrong.
Looking forward to more chapters.
3/1/2014 c14 MsDreamer93
Amazing chapter I like Katherine-Elena moments and I'm interested in Aran and him being a draug, I also like Damon and Stefan moments and that both of them can count on each other, looking forward to more chapters
2/24/2014 c14 3Phalanxx
I really like this. The interaction between Katherine and Elena has been stellar so far.

Hope you keep the good work!
2/9/2014 c13 24MsDreamer93
Great chapter, I really like Katherine and Elena scene and I can't wait for Stefan and Damon road trip.
Looking forward to more chapters.
1/5/2014 c12 Katherine
Amazing, please continue! :)

1/5/2014 c12 MsDreamer93
Great chapter, I liked the Katherine and Elena scene, Also, the end of the chapter is interesting. I'm looking forward for more chapters.
1/5/2014 c12 CinderDiamond
i loved it. amazing chapter as always
11/15/2013 c11 MsDreamer93
This is really interesting story, I love your idea about the doppelgangers and it is also interesting to watch Damon as a human, I'm looking forward for more chapters.
Awesome chapter!
8/19/2013 c10 TwinkleStaar
I just want to say that I LOVE this story! the way you write the characters is perfect and your cliffhangers are the best - but cruel ;)
I hope Kat is not truly dead :D Update soon!
8/18/2013 c10 daaaaatherinegrl
It's literally close to three am and I just jumped reading the end sentence please in all that's holy tell me Katherine isn't dead I was really enjoying the DK interaction. This is amazing
8/17/2013 c3 Tweeky
It's interesting to see Katherine has been captured by Silas and I wonder what he intends to do with her?

Anyway as for Jeremy moping i'd much rather prefer to see him try to contact Anna as the Boremy pairing was a forced and contrived pairing created by Julie Plec when when very foolishly and stupidly had Anna killed off plus Bonnie is responsible for Anna's murder through her fake sabotage of the Gilbert-device. I also look forward to seeing how Liz Forbes is going to explain Jeremy's sudden reappearance in the lad of the living.
8/17/2013 c10 Guest
I'm guessing katherine isn't dead because of the need to keep her alive/whatever Irina did to her?- and by guessing, I mean hoping haha. Your cliffhangers are the best I've ever read, you seriously have such a talent I can't believe it's your first real multistory fix. You had me fooled! Fantastic work, can't wait for the next chapter! I've got my fingers crossed it comes within the next few days- I'm dying for an update yet again :)
asdfljgfdak did Katherine die?! D: omg such an intense chapter! pleasseee update soon
8/17/2013 c2 Frozen862
aha you know that they didnt had have a second name in the year 0. And that the Petrovadoppelgänger only exist cause of Esther
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