Just In
for Petrova

8/11/2013 c8 Guest
Again, absolutely incredible chapter! You've got the cliffhangers down to an art, seriously. i thought it was hard waiting last time for more- now i really cannot wait for the next one!

Thanks for the shout out, but the reviews are well deserved- this is a fantastic storyline and your writing is gripping and so so true to character! :)
8/4/2013 c2 anon
Interesting idea, colour me intrigued
8/3/2013 c8 TwinkleStaar
great chapter, I loved it!
cool chap!
7/24/2013 c7 TwinkleStaar
yay, you're back! :)) Loved the chapter. Don't know what's going to happen next but that only makes me want more! update soon pls!
7/24/2013 c7 Guest
Incredible. I was so happy to see an update today- and it beat out expectations (which are already high from your previous chapters)! Please please please update soon (pretty please?).I'm dying for more information on what Irina means by next best thing to katherine and how the doppelgängers are involved.
7/4/2013 c6 TwinkleStaar
Omg this story is soooo good! I love the Irina/Katherine scenes
Hope you update soon, I just can't get enough of this story.
7/4/2013 c6 yoloooooo
wow- such an interesting twist! can't wait for the next chapter to see how it continues, love the elijah bit in there too.
7/4/2013 c6 guest
I was just about to review chapter 5 and beg for an update- only to find that it came true and you posted another chapter. Love it! I'm going to be so disappointed if season 5 isn't as good as your story, which is likely because you have set the bar pretty darn high
Yaaaay Stefan has been found! Awesome! :D
7/4/2013 c5 anon1
Fantastic chapter!- can't wait for the next update! Love the katherine/silas scenes, hoping to see more. Quite the interesting silas plotline there...
7/1/2013 c5 littlebluebear43
:O katherine! are damon and elena going to find stefan now?
6/30/2013 c5 mynameis
AWESOME story! I cant believe you dont have more reviews. Read everything in one sitting n i love it! Silas is creepy n mysterious n what is he doing with kat's blood?
Wonder where your taking this story. update soon :)
This was a very good chapter! I'm curious why Silas needs her blood though... Please update soon :]
6/28/2013 c5 3WinterRainbow
Amazing. Just amazing. :)
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