Just In
for Keeping Faith

9/6/2013 c5 61wtchcool
Oh, Max is good! Observant and caring and sympathetic. Almost enough to distract you from Orwell's battle to preserve what's left of her sanity, her heartbreak, and her father's impending doom.

Enjoyed the update.
7/13/2013 c4 153IronAmerica
I like this story. And definitely looking forward to more of it. :D

Yep. Vince is alive. Methinks he's going to have quite a bit of explaining to do, after this. A lot to Dana, but mostly to Trip. Or both of them. Because faking his death was...admittedly the only option, but not telling Dana was stupid.

Max is awesome. And they're hiding in the ceiling...? Well, let's hope they don't step on a ceiling tile the wrong way. :P Although they won't. They're the Carnival of Crime, and annoying Fleming is a life goal for them. :D

Dana, Raia's also had a lot more practice than you. I'm sure you could learn to do it too.

...Vince is being intelligent. For once. *is amazed*

All things considered, I would trade a vigilante for a family member too. If the vigilante in question is wanted that badly, then they must be good at escaping. although Dana's not thinking like that, and she needs a hug.

Well, you *hope* it'll be okay. And I'm sure Trip will understand about the home schooling. (he's going to get an education from the carnival either way, so it'll all work out.)

Awesome update. No quibbles.

7/6/2013 c4 61wtchcool
Peter should really not promise people things he can't(/probably wouldn't even if he could) deliver to them. *sighs*

Heh. Guess Raia's going to have to acknowledge the futility of her crush once and for all.

One thing: You wrote "Max Mollini's"; actually, Max's name is spelled "Malini", with an 'a' and one 'l.'

Oy. :/ Instead of just destroying Vince's life, Peter's now gone and ruined Dana's and Trip's, too. That can't be good. Hope Vince comes up with something.

My favorite parts of the chapter: "And another small woman kept trying to strangle the annoying bitch" and "My Husband Isn't Dead, He's a Superhero; How a Family is Supposed to Deal With It", which should be a best seller!

Love the Dance. Looking forward to more.
7/4/2013 c3 153IronAmerica
Late review is late. :\

At least the Cape is so understanding. (Of course, he's been dealing with Fleming/Chess and his shit for a while now, so if it didn't happen, he'd have cause to be worried. *nods*)

Heh. Urban graffiti can actually be kind of funny. (Hey, it's not the worst thing that's ever been written. And besides, Trip is a ten-year-old in modern America with access to the internet and an X-Box. That's what Dana should be worried about. ...but I digress. So.)

Termites are unbelievably well-armed. (Not as much as carpenter ants, but...) Heh. Ah well. Cape has a point. :)

Half the problems in the show could have been solved if Vince hadn't been such a dumbass and had trusted his *wife* with his secret identity. (Because telling a ten-year-old makes *so* much more logical sense...)

However arrogant and flamboyant Fleming can be, you have to admit that the man's got style.

Dana shoulda clocked him anyways. (Or at the first opportunity, anyways. *nods*)

Fleming has a point. And besides, he's a bad guy. He doesn't have to follow the same rules that Cape does. So. *nods*

Eye-gouging. Ouch. It does win a fight though... (But trying to gouge out Vince's baby blues? Peter, stahp! *whaps him with a brick*)

...Fleming, you are unbelivably stupid. Thank god for vanishing tricks and Vince, though.

Epic chapter is epic. :D

6/20/2013 c2 IronAmerica
It's lovely to see a new chapter of this. :)

Dana's a smart cookie. She'll figure the entire thing out. And hey, it's not exactly her fault. She's between a rock and a very hard place. *hugs her* Poor thing. :(

Poor Trip. I have the feeling he's not going to be quite as keen on the Cape if he ever finds out the whole story behind this. And his mother's not going to be his favorite person for a while. ...ouch. Poor Trip.

But mostly, poor Dana. She's trying so hard to do the right thing. And unfortunately for the Cape, she does care more about her son. (See, Vince? This is why you should have ponied up the information to your wife first, instead of your impressionable son. Oy. So many problems that could have been avoided... *sighs* What an idiot.)

Lovely chapter, though. Poor Vince. (He's still an idiot, though.)

6/19/2013 c3 61wtchcool
Gah! I love this fic!

*stares* Just when I think Peter can't be any more oblivious, he fails to recognize Vince without the mask. *headdesks* Okay, let's just say it was realllly dark in there... (Or maybe Peter does need the contacts to see?)

And yeah, Trip was probably thinking not-nice things about his mother there for a minute; but the smoke capsule must get her some points.

Dance is awesome and I want to congratulate you again on naming the ship. Hate to say it, but looking forward to Peter getting what's coming to him.
6/15/2013 c1 153IronAmerica
Wish I hadn't taken so long to review this. This is fabulous.

Peter, strangle the subordinate. Seriously. Do. (Of course, if he did, the story would not exist, so I suppose he has to have *some* self-control...) And...that's not going to end well. Seriously. Bad Peter. No. Bad. Bad Peter.

Dana, this is where you scream and run like hell. Especially around Fleming. Or cold-cock him. That would also... No, no it wouldn't. Why are you bantering with Fleming, Dana? Dana, run. *sighs*

Bad Peter. Peter, stop being mean to Trip. No. Bad criminal. No cookie for you.

Of course, this still won't help Trip and I think this is going to end badly for either Cape or Peter. Probably Peter, given how friggin' lucky Vince seems to be... Hm.

Lovely start to this story. Nothing to quibble about atm.

6/12/2013 c2 61wtchcool
She did what she should've done in the first place, even though it probably won't change the Cape's game plan much, if at all.

Chess is just not stable. :/ Or very bright because if he had the slightest inkling of who he'd captured... Well, actually, he'd have done it anyway. *sighs*

Vince had better hope she forgives him when the truth comes out or she might decide she prefers being a widow.

Great chapter. Love the story so far, writing and plot wise. Looking forward to the next installment.
6/5/2013 c1 wtchcool
Oh, they're going to be scraping pieces of Fleming off of the ground for weeks when the Faradays are through with him. Such a waste; pity.

Kidnapping Trip... Well, since he threatened Trip in the premiere, perhaps it was a matter of time.

Enjoyed the first chapter. :) Very interested to see how this goes, and how far the-I believe you dubbed it Dance, clever-develops.

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