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for Interview with a necromancer,

8/7/2013 c1 RiverWing21287
O.O I really can't see him as the feared Black Mage. Hm... Necromancer ain't that bad. It kinda cool in my opinion. Oh well haters be hatin eh?
6/8/2013 c1 43YukiSkye
Aaaaah someone took up my challenge! How exciting 8D I'm actually unsure how to go about reviews but I always wanna leave nice long ones so I'll do my best!

I'd like to say this is a very interesting perspective on the Black Mage. It seems that at this stage in life, he's just an average Joe who's kinda awkward with social interaction but nonetheless struggling to fit in a society that stigmatizes a form of dark magic. I feel really bad for him while reading this and the last sentence just really strikes me.

Um... I hope you don't mind me pointing this out but the grammar is a bit shaky at some parts which slightly detracts from the wonderful read but all that can be easily fixed with writing practice!

Anyway, I find myself really interested in knowing how he transitioned from this slightly awkward young man looking for someone to accept him for who he is to the ruthless tyrant we all know him as today.

... Somehow this review isn't as long as I want it to be and I feel as though I haven't dug deep enough and I apologize for that ;_; But thank you for giving rise to this story!

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