Just In
for Firewhiskey

5/8/2016 c1 48Downton'sLibrarian
I knew he'd calm down enough for that Firewhiskey. Wonderful, wonderful fic, and the Herminny vibe is flooding my brain.
1/15/2014 c1 aryalyn
I enjoyed this. Now I kinda wish it would be longer.
8/3/2013 c1 239Mein Liebling
Absolutely spectatcular! I love how you gave them all a happy (abiet awkward) ending, because when I was reading this I kept on thinking "Oh my goodness what happens if Ginny and Hermione get hurt because of Harry's heartbrokenness and-" but everything was alright in the end. Harry found himself another girl. :)

28/30 for creativity.
10/10 for spelling and grammar.
10/10 for flow.
25/30 for use of prompts.
20/20 for characterization.
10/10 for an amazing story.

93 points: Outstanding for Transfiguration!

Beautiful job, Chris! Absolutely stunning, I really loved reading this. (Even though I was on the edge of my seat when Harry came flying at Hermione, I was frightened he was going to slap her. You're extremely good at writing!)
7/15/2013 c1 19Regina lacrimarum
Awww, this was sweet. I really think Harry would indeed be sensible enough to forgive them eventually, even if it took a while. Thank you for the story.
7/1/2013 c1 120Holly The Sparkling Unicorn
I really enjoyed this, Chris! Well done! I love you you incorporated the main prompt with Hermiones feelings that gave it a great touch. I also liked how the end was happy and that Harry found another girl. Great job!

Transfiguration - O

Flow - 30/30
Creativity - 20/20
Mandatory prompt - 20/20
Mandatory Three Optional Prompts - 20/20
Title/Summary - 10/10
Extra Prompts - Plus 10
Total: 110% - Outstanding
6/30/2013 c1 badkidoh
well i like it.

although it's not really Harry/Hermione/Ginny, it's more of a Harry/Ginny that changes to Hermione/Ginny and then Harry/random O.C.
6/9/2013 c1 156ClaireBear1982
Oooo a love triangle eh? I like that. Feel sorry for Harry to have to find out that way though. But at least in the end they reconciled and that's the important thing. I love your work m'dear it's so good! :)

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